Tuesday, December 29, 2009

hApPy BiRtHdAy tO mE!

Had a fun lunch at Red Lobster and then shopping, shopping, shopping! To no avail since everything was so picked over! I couldn't believe the empty shelves at ROSS! Tried to find a new purse but nothing jumped out at me so I'll just have to keep looking! Looking forward to a pedicure and Bryan owes me French Toast at Kneaders since no breakfast in bed this morning! He did get me flowers- so points for that!Now I'm going looking forward to going to bed early- so yep I'm feeling so OLD!!!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Pretty Purple Christmas Dresses!

I was able to pull off matchy matchy purple outfits for Christmas! Wow what a lot of work that was! We are going to wear these outfits the next 10 Sundays to get enough wear out of them to make all the work worth it! SMILE!!

Lovin on the rat....

Bryan had to get the rat out and love on it... in front of me of course! Even gave it some processed cheese ...it wouldn't even touch it!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

A Quesenberry Christmas!!!

It seemed we had a really busy Christmas this year with lots of restaraunt hopping!! I was so not in the mood to cook even on Christmas Eve!! We enjoyed Sizzler's cooking much better than mine! We got in getting to sit on Santa's lap and the lights at Thanksgiving Point and a few movies too! The kids really enjoyed making messes and fighting over sharing their gifts! Lots of family bonding made it all the more Merry!! Our Christmas highlight was Eli getting his new kidney and "Buddy" the rat joining the family! Can't top that!!!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Happy "Sick" Anniversary!

My darling neighbor Anjeaneatte was so thoughtful to put together this sweet gift for Bryan and I for our big day! She knew we had all been sick and not a lot of romance was going on here today!! She has been such an amazing neighbor and friend to me!! And although she should not have spent any money (her husband has been out of work)or time (she has 7 kids) she truly made today a very special one for us!!

Gingerbread Man!!

The first graders put on an adorable play about the gingerbread boy.....after practicing for months....Hailey did a great job and poor Carter threw up that morning so couldn't go!!! Poor guy I felt so bad for him!! If they only had the performance on the same day he would have made it before the puke fest began! Their teachers were pretty smart to make the gingerbread houses out of pop tarts this year! So easy and still so cute!! Actually they think they are too cute to even eat....so they sit here and harden and fall apart! YUM!YUM!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Girls Christmas Concert

Sarah and Hailey were so excited to sing with the Children's Choir and looked like angels in their white robes!! They both did a wonderful job and we all really enjoyed the evening! Christmas music really touches your heart!! They love being in choir with Sydney and Ashley Foote!! We are so thankful for this amazing time to remember the Savior's birth!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Let it Snow!

We really haven't gotten very much snow yet BUT the kids loved the little bit we did!Carter was happy to shovel and the girls are still enjoying the tramp!! I'm thinking it will be a little less fun the more snow that comes!!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Festival of Trees.....

We got a babysitter this year and enjoyed walking around at our own pace! So many beautiful trees.....I took 50 pictures....and didn't even realize it!!! I will only post some of my favorite! If you missed it this year try to go next year it is so beautiful! My lame camera went fuzzy on me half the time (nice fuzzy pic of Bryan and I) so looks like I will be out camera shopping!! Merry Christmas to ME!

Gingerbread Houses!

The gingerbread houses are amazing! I can't even make a lame one and look what these people can do! Loved the house that looked like the house in UP! So cute!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A cozy Christmas!

Actually I love the dollar store in Spanish Fork! Soooo much better than up here! I'm really loving having two fireplace mantles to decorate this year....and turning on the switch to light them up isn't too bad either!! Makes for a cozy Christmas!

help! I need an intervention!!

Actually I'm just keeping it real! If you want a true and accurate picture of my REAL life just look in the "wrapping paper" room! As you can see I'm actually wrapping gifts on the kitchen counter! Maybe I will get this mess cleaned up in time for Christmas.......or maybe not! Sooo many gifts and not enough time to wrap them!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Let there be LIGHT.....

You would never guess how hard it is to change a light bulb... until you have a two story ceiling can light go out!! My wacko hubby thought he knew the best way to change it!! Two bar stools and the ladder made quite the combo! Can we say I was waiting in the car to take him to the emergency room! Luckily he didn't ruin Thanksgiving Day by falling off during the amazing feat!! Now we have more light--I didn't even notice the ONE light bulb was out and tried to talk him into waiting until maybe TWO were out...but NO!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

LOVE notes!

Carter is just the sweetest little boy! Lately he has showered me with LOVE notes!! He brings them to me with the cutest little smile-so proud to show me!!! His favorite saying is " I love you in all of Jesus' worlds"! How do you beat that one!? Heavenly Father knew I needed my sweet boy!! Bryan gave a lesson about the One Leppar who came back to thank Jesus! Carter tries so hard to be the "First Lepard" and give me a hug and tell me thank you! We are working on dropping the "d" to Leppar! And who knows if I'm spelling that right?! Oh well! I'm just glad he is writing Love notes to me and not some little girl in his class!!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Aunt Shawna

I thought I did a pretty good job at putting these flowers together for a nice b-day bouquet!! We finally got to go up to The Melting Pot in Salt Lake for dinner!! Some WAY good Diet Coke!! Came home to get the horrible babysitter report! Time to find someone new! Hope Aunt Shawna enjoyed her b-day we sure did!

Saturday, October 31, 2009