
Showing posts with label qovf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label qovf. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Did you know that the Quilt of Valor community is really trying hard to stay connected?  There are so many great people and groups working to make sure our Veterans are covered, thanked and are feeling the love.

We have a chat group - QOVFchat on the yahoo groups
We have a website - 
And we are on Facebook!!

On that website you can search for quilting groups in your area, or if you start a quilting group you can register it, and maybe more will find you!

You can also look for quilt shops !

You can also find all the information to request a LongArm quilter , request a destination, ask for help, and more

There is also a free pattern section. To help you stay inspired !

Hope to see you around one of these areas!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Important Notice of Upcoming Event

Hello to the entire QOVF community,
I would like to alert you to the first television screening of an important documentary, Restrepo, which we highly recommend you see.

RESTREPO is a feature-length documentary that chronicles the deployment of a platoon of U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan's Korengal Valley. The movie focuses on a remote 15-man outpost, "Restrepo," named after a platoon medic who was killed in action. It was considered one of the most dangerous postings in the U.S. military. This is an entirely experiential film: the cameras never leave the valley; there are no interviews with generals or diplomats. The only goal is to make viewers feel as if they have just been through a 90-minute deployment. This is war, full stop. The conclusions are up to you.


The war in Afghanistan has become highly politicized, but soldiers rarely take part in that discussion. Our intention was to capture the experience of combat, boredom and fear through the eyes of the soldiers themselves. Their lives were our lives: we did not sit down with their families, we did not interview Afghans, we did not explore geopolitical debates. Soldiers are living and fighting and dying at remote outposts in Afghanistan in conditions that few Americans back home can imagine. Their experiences are important to understand, regardless of one's political beliefs. Beliefs are a way to avoid looking at reality. This is reality.
- Tim Hetherington and Sebastian Junger


Several volunteers from the Quilts of Valor Foundation were able to attend and/or present quilts at the screenings around the country for this amazing film. They believe it may be the best explanation of what 'Touched by War" really means.

It offers to families, communities, and support professionals the insight needed to understand what we demand from our military serving on the front lines.


"Restrepo" has its world television premiere on the National Geographic Channel, unedited and with limited commercial interruption, on Monday, November 29, 2010, at nine p.m. ET/PT. Please be advised It may not be suitable for all audiences so please use your own judgment.

Finally, let us continue to support the men and women still serving in harm's way who are in need of QOVs, and keep quilting until they are all covered with quilts of love and comfort.

Quilting to Honor & Comfort our Wounded,

June Moore
Acting Director
Quilts of Valor Foundation