Showing posts with label dots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dots. Show all posts

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Miss Cathy's Dotty Stamp Border

I needed a quick envelope and had only two of these stamps left. I realized that it would make sense to introduce another color. Without the dots, it was pretty blah. The dots were a good way to tie the colors together. These are the Faber Castell PITT big brush markers. I wonder why they call them PITT. Does anyone know?

When I publish my book, Miss Cathy will have her name assigned to this chapter. Will I owe you a royalty? Or just a free copy of the book?

Today is last day to sign up for the October Exchange. See the October 1 post for details.

Friday, July 29, 2016

re-run series - loopy with colored counters

 my second set where i have a several from a series in one blog post. such an easy idea. once again , dots were a nice finishing touch.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

re-running dots

 i should mention dots at least once a month since they are .... i don't even know what to call them. they seem like the most basic item.
[see ...  i even use them to indicate where i am thinking, but not coming up with words]

dots seem almost insignificant. and yet - they are magnificent. it's like there is some really deep meaning or philosophy here. [dot] [dot] [dot] too deep for me.

you'll just have to trust me - if you are having a creative block. try some dots. or if you have a big old mess to fix - try dots.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

for nancy - april exchange

from the pile of layouts - FC brush markers, pigma microns - white gel pen on top.

real time p.s.
nancy mentioned when she signed up for the next exchange that she really like this envelope and had already used the idea on some of her own mail. i'm always happy to toss out ideas - and remember - this came from something i saw - probably on pinterest. i think the only part i lifted was the horizon and leaves. i probably did my own flowers. it was a hot mess - until i remembered the solution to just about everything - dots - layers of dots.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

ellen - dottarific

i love the dottariffic markers. i only have three of them and they were samples from back in the day when i did designs for a magazine and was given new products to try out. if i let myself have more, i would be distracted all day. they have a big round hemispherical foamy tip and you get larger dots by pressing harder. way cool. way fun.

Friday, February 25, 2011


i'm pretty sure i posted a dot-to-dot envelope for jackie and one for ellen. this is one i started for skip and never mailed. it has the pencil lines, so you can see how to do it. pencil the name. you have to draw straight lines that go in the general direction of cursive. then put in the dots, number them and erase the pencil lines. i suppose you could write things other than names. secret messages.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

ellen no. 1

an all time favorite stamp. the next ten envelopes were all done at once to illustrate the concept of sending a lot of mail to a college kid. as i have mentioned before, it was mail for college students that got me started on envelopes. the E and the I are brighter pink than what the scan shows.

Friday, February 26, 2010

jackie no. 1

the next ten envelopes will be from the jackie series. she no longer lives at the address on the envelopes. there will be a couple hundred envelopes in this series. this style is done with a gel pen on a translucent vellum envelope. i call the style "two wrongs do make a right" because i double stroke every part of each letter and neither of the strokes are right, but they give a nice base for the dots and cross hatching.