Showing posts with label deciphering addresses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label deciphering addresses. Show all posts

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Article to file (Bonus post) Deciphering addresses at the PO

This article has been posted - but when I tried to find it on the blog, I couldn't. So I am reposting it with a better label. Not that I can think of a better label. Why did I let myself create over 4,000 posts without a decent filing system? Is it too late to go back and reorganize?

this article is even better - it tells about the training to be an address decipherer
the dead letter office where they open mail to see if they can figure out where to send it.
if I had time, I would apply for a job as a decipherer. I really would.


Art - because I hardly ever post words without art.

Random art - this from Liesbet Boudens. The same words are on one of my all time favorite envelopes from the lovely RachaelT

and there is a cool picture of Liesbet, lettering words on a wall while perched in a bathtub

I imagine you could do a fair amount of surfing through items on the New Zealand Calligraphers blog. I am resisting the temptation for the moment. Although, I know that the minute I click on [publish] for this post, I will sneak over and click a few times.