Showing posts with label Shimmer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shimmer. Show all posts

November 12, 2012

Still alive! Random little post + Kitty Update #10

Wow....I'm sorry I haven't posted in such a long time but I have been so extremely busy with school and friends and musical-thingies! Anyway, I'm not going to dedicate an entire post to apologizing and explaining why, but I'm just going to do a little post with some recent swatches and a short kitty update. Let's begin :)
GOSH - Lambada. 3 coats, no topcoat. 


Catrice - No Snow Patrol & Mila-kittypic!

Essence Breaking Dawn Part II - Jacob's Protection


cheeky little stash-pic!

I haven't really been wearing loads of different nailpolishes lately (simply because I didn't really have a lot of time) but these are the ones I did wear and made pictures of. On to the kitty update :D

The kittycats are doing great. They've gotten really big! But not yet as big as Luna ofcourse haha... Here are some pictures!
Mila ♥

Sem :D

Luna <3

I love this picture, lol. 

Luna is getting along a lot better with the kitties. Sem is always testing his boundaries and playing with Luna. Mila usually just avoids her but is definitely not afraid of her...whenever Luna tries to eat her food she just pushes her away and protects her food. 

I'm really going to try to post something every week again but I'm not promising anything. Have a great week!

x Elize

October 9, 2012

Alpha Better Hologram

A big welcome to all of my new followers that found me through girlscene or my giveaway, thanks for following me! Today I have a very pretty layering mani for you guys. I showed you this polish a little while ago and since everyone really liked it I decided to swatch my other Shaka polish (Hologram Nude) as well. Because these holos are not very opaque I decided to layer it over two coats of Essence - Alpha Better Gamma (wich i'll show in the end of this post). Here's the final look!

sunlight, no flash. 

in shade, no flash.

more sunlight, yay! no flash.

sunlight, with flash. 

a bit blurry (sparkles!), no flash. 


I love holographics. This is just a perfect pretty pinky polish. In normal light only a little bit of the holographic rainbow is visible, but in! Such a pretty effect. 
So what I did was apply two layers of Shaka - Hologram Nude over two layers of Essence - Alpha Better Gamma from the Class of 2013 LE. Here's a picture of that one on it's own:
daylight, no flash.

another Sem-kittypic!

ABG is a very cute salmony pink, really girly! When I saw this one at the store I immediately knew I wanted it because I don't have any polishes like this one and erhm well I'm an addict..woops. Anyways, I really like the colour of this polish because it's just sooo cuuuute :D

Don't forget to enter my giveaway, just 3 days left to enter!

x Elize

September 22, 2012

Essence - I Love Bad Boys + Kitty Update #9

Oh my god, I completely forgot my two year blogoversary was this month! Well I was actually already planning something so I'm going to try and be ready in my next blogpost. I'm not telling you anything yet :D Anyway, this post I'm going to show you another one of the new Essence polishes (I Love Bad Boys) and another kitty update! For ILBB I used 2 coats and no topcoat. 
daylight (outside), no flash. 

sunlight, with flash.

daylight (inside), no flash. 

sunlight, no flash. 

daylight (inside), no flash. 


As you can see, my nails are quite short right now, but I thought it was time to just cut them off a bit since they were really splitting and breaking off. Anyways, ILBB is a very pretty turquoise/blue crème with tiny little glass flecks. I love it! Application was great (I love the new Essence brushes!) and so was drying time. 
Maybe some of you have noticed there was no kittypic in this post..that's because I wasn't able to make any good pictures this time. They're all moved or too dark or whatever. Sorry! But...I do have a kitty update for you guys :D

They are growing. Wow. From little kittens to (well..almost) cats. Sem is such an adventurous little guy, but he is also very cuddly! Mila is just one of the cuddliest kitties ever. And they purr like crazy :D

Sem <3

"sup?" - Mila

playing Sem, such a cute picture!

That's all for this post, have a great weekend!

x Elize

August 13, 2012

Essence new polishes: Cookie Love + Nude Glam Cookies & Cream

Hey everyooone! Today I will be showing you two Essence polishes from their new collection. Both named something with cookie! Let's begin with Cookie Love from the Colour & Go collection. I used two coats and no topcoat.
indirect sunlight, no flash. 

daylight, no sun, no flash.

close-up from the bottle..isn't that purrrretty? 


Cookie Love is a gorgeous brown polish with small golden glitters and some golden flakies :D The flakies are not that visible on your nails, but when you look really closely you'll see some. Formula was great on this one, applying was good and drying time was only 10 minutes. 

So here's the next one, Cookies & Cream from the Nude Glam collection. I used 3 coats and one layer of topcoat. 
shade, no flash.

indirect sunlight, no flash. 

outside, sunlight, no flash! (most colour accurate)

close-up, shimmers!

more kittypics!

The colour is pretty much the same as Hazelnut Cream Pie, but HCP has that Chanel - Paradoxal purple shimmer and C&C has golden and silver shimmer. I didn't particularly like the formula on this one, I had to apply 3 coats and a topcoat because it tends to get a little bubbly. 

Wich one do you like better, Hazelnut Cream Pie or Cookies & Cream? 

x Elize

May 25, 2012

New camera! + Color Club - Wild At Heart

Aaaaaaaah! I finally bought the Canon 600D wich I have been saving for for a reaaaally long time now! I'm so so so so happy with it. I love it. To test it out I tried on a pretty purple holo, Color Club - Wild At Heart. I used two coats and no topcoat!
sunlight, no flash.

sunlight, with flash.

sunlight, no flash.

shadow, no flash. 

sunlight, no flash.


Just look at those pictures..woah. The polish is really pretty and the formula is great, I don't have a lot to say about it haha :) 

Here are some more pictures I made with my new camera today, please click on the link below to see the original size!

I absolutely adore these pictures, the quality is The last picture is my bestie Alisja working her modelling skills hahaha ♥ 

Sooooo monday we're getting the new kittens, omg! I'll do an update as soon as I can on monday and if you follow me on twitter (@purrrpolish) you might get some sneak peeks! 

x Elize

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