Showing posts with label Red. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Red. Show all posts

February 2, 2013

Madam Butterfly

Helloooooo! Today I only have a quick little swatch for you, it's Madam Butterfly from the Catrice Neo Geisha LE :)


Madam Butterfly is a very pretty berry red nailpolish. It's opaque in just 2 coats and dries pretty quickly. I am loving the colour of this, it's not your typical red but it's also not your typical pink. Yes. I like. 

Have a great weekend byeeeeeee!

x Elize

December 13, 2012

Essie - Leading Lady

December, yaaaaay! My favourite month. Christmas, my birthday, the new year, yes please! I just love the entire month. You know, all the christmas lights, food, happiness...(almost) everyone is kind to eachother. Definitely my favourite month. Now, the nailpolish. As soon as I applied it it became one of my most beloved  nailpolishes. Christmas on your nails. Essie - Leading Lady!

all of the above pictures were taken in daylight without flash.




Isn't it gorgeous? I think it's absolutely amazing. For these pictures I first used a base coat, 1 coat of Catrice - Caught On The Red Carpet, 2 coats of Essie Leading Lady and 1 layer of topcoat. I know that sounds like a lot of time but I think this actually took me only about 20 minutes and the 
If you're still looking for that perfect Christmas nailpolish, go get this one! 

x Elize

November 23, 2012

NYC - Revolving Red

Helloooo my gorgeous followers! Today I have a very pretty polish for you guys, Revolving Red from New York Colours (NYC). It's a true burgundy red that's opaque in just 2 coats. For these pictures I used 2 coats of Revolving Red and 1 layer of topcoat.
normal light, no flash (but slightly lighter than the colour in real).

getting closer to the actual colour!


Then I went outside to take some more pictures :D


The pictures I took outside really show the accurate colour of this gorgeous polish! The application was great, I really like the NYC brushes :D This really is a perfect polish for fall and winter. I love it, and I hope you guys do too :)

x Elize

November 12, 2012

Still alive! Random little post + Kitty Update #10

Wow....I'm sorry I haven't posted in such a long time but I have been so extremely busy with school and friends and musical-thingies! Anyway, I'm not going to dedicate an entire post to apologizing and explaining why, but I'm just going to do a little post with some recent swatches and a short kitty update. Let's begin :)
GOSH - Lambada. 3 coats, no topcoat. 


Catrice - No Snow Patrol & Mila-kittypic!

Essence Breaking Dawn Part II - Jacob's Protection


cheeky little stash-pic!

I haven't really been wearing loads of different nailpolishes lately (simply because I didn't really have a lot of time) but these are the ones I did wear and made pictures of. On to the kitty update :D

The kittycats are doing great. They've gotten really big! But not yet as big as Luna ofcourse haha... Here are some pictures!
Mila ♥

Sem :D

Luna <3

I love this picture, lol. 

Luna is getting along a lot better with the kitties. Sem is always testing his boundaries and playing with Luna. Mila usually just avoids her but is definitely not afraid of her...whenever Luna tries to eat her food she just pushes her away and protects her food. 

I'm really going to try to post something every week again but I'm not promising anything. Have a great week!

x Elize

October 18, 2012

Top 5 Fall Favorite Nailpolishes!

Hello everyooone! I actually planned on doing an actual nailpost today but because of my work all my nails broke and they're really short at the moment :( So I figured I'd do a little Fall Favorites nailpolish edition for you guys! Let's go :)

Let's start off with number 5, Herôme - Kingston.
Kingston is a goldenbeige/champagne holographic polish that matches all of the fall 2012 fashion! Pictures HERE

Next up, number 4, Catrice - Caught On The Red Carpet.
COTRC is a dark jelly red, suitable for honestly any season of the year and I really like it (that's also why half of my bottle is empty). Pictures HERE

Number 3, Essence - Walk On The Wild Side.
WOTWS is a dark green polish with tiny little green shimmers. Very pretty! I actually haven't had the chance to swatch this yet, but I'm excited about trying this one out :D

Almost there! Number 2, China Glaze - Smoke And Ashes
Smoke And Ashes is a GORGEOUS polish from the CG Hungergames collection and I absolutely adore this polish! It looks like a starry night in summer. A black base with duochrome little shimmers shifting from blue to turquoise to green. Amazing. Pictures HERE

Number 1...drumroll, please...China Glaze - Purr-fect Plum!
I do not only like Purr-fect Plum because of its purr-fect name, but also very very much because of the purr-fect colour! This colour screams fall 2012 to me. Walk around my school for just 10 minutes and you will see this colour in sooo many outfits, it's crazy. This wine-purple coloured polish should be in everyone's stash this fall! Purr-fect Plum is from the CG On Safari collection :) Pictures HERE

While I was making these pictures Luna decided to join me, here are some pictures :D

she looks so mad, lol!

pawsy pic <3

That was it, ofcourse I have many many many more fall favorites but I just wanted to show you these five. Tell me, do you like these kind of posts? What would you like to see on my blog? Let me know in the comments :) 

x Elize

October 2, 2012

MAX - Rouge with China Glaze - Stone Cold

A nail post, yay! Today I have a very fashionable and fall-proof mani for you guys :D I saw THIS post on Lucy's Stash and I absolutely loved the colour combination so I tried to change it up and bit aaaand here's my result:

daylight, with flash. 

close-up, no flash. 

daylight, no flash (colour accurate)



So as a base I used 2 coats of MAX - Rouge, a jelly dark red. These polishes only cost about 50 cents and the quality is great so I love these! Then I used tape to create the little triangles with China Glaze - Stone Cold from the Hungergames collection, a very pretty matt polish. After all of this had dried I used a thick layer of topcoat and voilà, all done! I love the result. It's like a half moon mani...only with a triangle! Ofcourse, it's not perfect but this is actually the first time I tried a mani created with scotch tape. Anyways, if you want to try this out and post it on your blog too, please link Lucy for the wonderfull idea :D 

Don't forget to enter my giveaway to get a chance to win OPI - Black Spotted!

x Elize

July 9, 2012

NYC - Times Square

Hey guys! When I posted NYC - Mint Macaroon I told you I had one more NYC polish to show you. Well, here it is :D Times Square is a bright coral jelly and it's reaaaally pretty. It looks like...summer. Let me show you!
daylight, no flash (most colour accurate)
I have no idea why, but the quality got a little messed up during the uploading of that picture, sorry :(

with flash



pretty eyes Mila-kittypic!

So many kittypics, aaaah :)
I used two coats to get this polish opaque. Application was like a dreaaaam, and the drying time was really fast too. I am liking NYC polishes, and might just buy more if they create some interesting colours! 

Have you ever tried NYC polishes? Do you like them?

x Elize
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