Now, on to the polish. Because of the lovely warm weather here, I kinda wanted to try something different. I don't wear a lot of red and pink, as you might know, but today I saw Meet Me At Coral Island in my stash and well, does anyone want to see some pictures? Allrighty then!
in normal light, no flash. 3 coats!
in sun, no flash.
in indirect sunlight, no flash. most colour accurate!
Allright, I admit. I kinda like these colours. Allright allright I'll say it. I LOVE THEM! Wish I had more haha, definitely going to buy more... Any suggestions?
As I promised, some pictures of Cindy and Puck!
lol, fighting puppies <3
The cats are freakin' out, so we give them loads of attention and I hope they'll get used to the idea of the dogs...
Do you have any suggestions for another great coral nail polish? What do you think?
x Elize