Showing posts with label KONAD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label KONAD. Show all posts

January 23, 2012

Barry M - Bright Red (with some polka dots!)

Hi everyone! I still don't have a new computer (damnit) but we have ordered it so it could be here any time soon (like..maybe next week?). Anyway, today I'd like to show you another nailpolish I got from Lucy (it's like I'll never get them all swatched haha) and it's from Barry M, called Bright Red. Well, the name definitely fits the colour of this polish..
daylight, no flash.

daylight from another window (lol), no flash. excuse the hideous cuticles..

And if you have seen my previous blogpost you saw I got some new KONAD plates and for this mani I used the polka dot design from M79 and Essence white stampy polish.

daylight, no flash. I kinda screwed up the stamping, but it looks cute anyway..

(hungry) kittypic!

So, it's not perfect, but I think it still looks very minnie mouse-y and retro! I feel so girly wearing this haha very weird I know. I had to apply 3 coats of Bright Red and you can still see a VNL (visible nail line) so that's not amazing, but because of the polka dots it's not very visible  anymore. Drying time was ok, so 3 coats wasn't that bad. 
I have something to show you! I really want a new camera because my camera right now (Canon 350D) is getting a bit old. I'm now saving for a new one, the amazing Canon 600D!
Pretty amazing huh? I'm not going to tell you all the specificications because it has too much awesome features haha. If I calculated right, I'll be able to buy this beauty just before summer (thanks to my job)! Let's hope that's going to be possible, I love it so much. Does any of my follower own this? Tell me!

x Elize

November 24, 2011

My nail-related-birthday-wishlist!

Ok, so since my nails are (what I think) too short for pretty swatches right now I decided to post a little something else. Today I have my wishlist for you! If you don't like this stuff, you don't have to read it, but I always love wishlists, just to find out about new brands and products :D

Let's start with..polishes! The polishes I want VERY BADLY, are the Hungerglaze polishes from China Glaze. I"m a HUUUUGE fan of the Hungergames books, and the colours are so FRICKIN amazing, let me show you!


Did you know I'm actually going to find a job just so I can buy this entire collection? LOL..

Ok, on to the next polishes!

I would love to have Color Club - Revvvolution and Color Club - Wild At Heart. Since I tried out my first CC (Untamed Luxury) I want moreeee.. And of course, both holos :D

Next, 3 Nfu Ohs. I don't own any Nfu Oh polishes so far, but I love the bottledesign and I can't WAIT to try them!

Left to right: #52, #54 and #65

All blue, and all special. That's how I like my polishes :D

Next up, 3 random polishes, not all from the same brand. 

Left to right: OPI - Ski Teal We Drop, Golden Rose scale effect #06 and Herôme - Kingston

Let's continue with..stamping stuff!

Here are 3 KONAD-plates I'm dying to try:

Left to right: M56, M57 and M79.

And here are 3 Dashica-plates (you can order these on, go check it out!)

Left to right: #8, #17 and #16

Cute right? 

I also want some transparent nail wheels (I'll order those on eBay) and a doublesided stamp from KONAD. 
Ofcourse, I have a lot more on my wishlist, but these are just the things I'd like to buy for my birthday..
My birthday is so close :D I can't wait! On the 27th of december I'll finally turn 15, aaaaah. I'm going to give a big party with my friend Sophia and hope I'll get loads of money to buy all these goodies haha :D

Name the 3 polishes you want the most in the comments!

x Elize

PS. Should I keep the font this big, or make it small again?

November 19, 2011

Chic Vanilla Latte

Today I have a pink-ish mani for you, created with 2 polishes I got from Lucy from an unknown brand (for me) named Superstar. The polishes I used are Skinny Vanilla Latte, a nude/pink/brownish creme and SoHo Chic, a light pink foil. 

Sorry for the not-so-sharp picture :c

Here's how I accomplished this mani :D
I used 2 coats of Skinny Vanilla Latte for complete coverage...

daylight, no flash.

kittypic! (with flash)

Then I used Konad M65 and the Superstar - SoHo Chic to stanp on the rose pattern.

normal light, no flash. 

The combo looks not so matchy in the picture above, but the foil is much more pink irl!


You know I'm not a fan of pink, but I think this mani is elegant and cute,

What do you think?

x Elize

November 4, 2011

Catrice - New York (Big City Life LE)

Last week I went to our local drugstore and noticed they had the Catrice Big City Life LE! Except for the palettes, wich I was pretty bummed about because I wanted to buy the Berlin palette. Anyway, I only bought one nailpolish, New York. It's a blue-ish grey polish and very pretty! For these pictures I applied 2 coats and no topcoat. 

just a quick bottle pic, isn't it ADORABLE?

normal light, with flash.

normal light, no flash.


I tried to KONAD it with a light silver and the flower pattern from M61 but it didn't really show up.. Here's a paw-pic to show you how it looked (with flash).

Isn't that last picture cute? I love it <3 
Application was good, but was it me or are the brushes of the nailpolishes different from the normal Catrice polishes? 
Edit: I just checked, the brush is definitely different. It's a lot more short and thin than the normal ones! It didn't make the application amazing, but it wasn't awfull or anything. 
Do you own any of the Catrice Big City Life LE polishes? 

x Elize

PS. Amazing news! I won the "Birthday giveaway" from :D I'll write a blogpost about the prize as soon as I get it. Aaaaaaaah!

September 14, 2011

OPI - What's with the Cattitude?

Well hello there! In this post I'd like to show you the first OPI polish ever on my nails (aaaah!) thanks to Lisa who was so sweet to let me use this. I have always wanted What's with the Cattitude from the OPI Shrek Forever After collection. It's a gorgeous colour and the name is just..amazing. This nailpolish describes me! For this look I applied 3 thin coats to make it fully opaque.

normal light, no flash.

normal light with a little bit of sunshine, no flash.

sunlight, no flash.


and another kittypic! (winky eye haha ;D)

I love how Simba looks a bit like Puss in Boots, a ginger kitty with green eyes and a huuuuuge cattitude! Now, about the nailpolish. I LOVE THE COLOUR. It's so pretty and blue and cute and awesome. Just one word..AMAZING. Now, I could go on and on about how much I love it, but I could also just show you the konadicure I created with this polish. I used the cow pattern from M61 and stamped with the essence white stampy polish!

normal light, no flash.


I think it looks absolutely adorable haha.. 
I wish I owned OPI polishes my self, and one day I will...

What do you think about this polish? Do you own any OPI polishes?

x Elize

August 31, 2011

Essence - Blue Addicted

Well hello there! I'm sorry it took me so long to post something new.. This weekend Gemma and Alisja came over and I did their nails! Gemma really REALLY liked this mani (< click!) so she wanted the exact same haha :D

Doesn't it look really cute? She loved it and I'm happy she did <3 I used Catrice Glamourista as a base, then  took the Essence white stampy polish and stamped her nails with Konad M65.
Alisja wanted me to do some water marbling but we didn't have a lot of time so we just did one nail on each hand, an accent nail. I used Essence - MY BOYFRIENDS JEAN'S, Paris Memories - White and the mysterious Cosmetica Fanatica polish for this marble!


I think it worked out great and I'm happy they loved it <3 I love you guys!

Now, on to my nails :D Friday I went shopping and the first thing I saw was that the new Essence products were in the store! The blue crackle was gone already but I'll get it another time. Fingers crossed! I did pick up Blue Addicted, a blue jelly mixed with green and blue glitters, I think it's the closest dupe to Deborah Lipmann Across the Universe. I LOVE IT! It took 3 coats to be opaque, and I applied one layer of topcoat over it.

natural light, no flash.

sunlight, no flash.

shadow, no flash.


I don't own Across the Universe but from the pictures I've seen I can tell it's a really close dupe. It was a p.i.t.a to remove, ofcourse, but glitters will be glitters lol! I'm happy I got this, because I wasn't sure.. But then again, it was only €1,29 so why not give it a try? My try was a success.

What do you think of these 3 manicures? 

x Elize

August 10, 2011

Salomé 29

Hello lovely ladies! Today I'm going to show you one of the polishes I bought in France. This is a teal polish from Salomé, wich I bought at a market for €1,- As always with teals, it's so hard to capture the real colour so I have this for you, wich shows you pretty much the excact colour:

Now, on to my nail pics! I used 2 coats of the polish and no topcoat.

normal light, with flash.

sunlight, no flash.

Then I stamped (yep, again) the flower design from Konad M71 with the white Essence stampy polish. Now I don't know if any of you have the same problem, but since my nails are longer I find it harder to stamp full-nail images. The bottom goes fine, but then the top.. My stamp doesn't even touch the top of my nail?! If you have any tips, help me because I messed up my ring finger and pinkie because of this haha..

normal light, no flash. excuse the stamping fail on the pinkie haha!


If you have any tips for me, leave it in the comments!

x Elize

May 29, 2011

Love, Peace and Purple Poison!

Hi guys! Today I polished my nails with Love, Peace and Purple by Essence, wich seems to be a great dupe for Chanel Paradoxal (wich I don't own haha..). It's gorgeous! 

with flash

artificial light to show you the purple shimmer!

normal light, no flash.
It applied a bit annoying, because of the cap and the really small brush haha but it only needed 2 coats to be opaque! Last picture is most colour accurate. Then I added some stamping, I used Konad M65 and Catrice - Poison Me, Poison You! 
with flash.

normal light, no flash.

All pictures are without any top coat. So, tell me what you think of this brown/purple striped manicure?

x Elize

April 11, 2011

Am I Blue Or Green? - Catrice

Hi! Today I have another new polish for you guys, Am I Blue Or Green by Catrice. It's such a gorgeous baby blue shade with a little bit of shimmer in it! Such a shame the formula is kind of thick and streaky, I got little airbubbles everywhere...

2 thick coats, no flash. normal light.

no flash, sunlight.

with flash, normal light. 

It's no dupe for CG For Audrey, but it seems to look a lot like Riva - Chanel. Sadly, I don't own Riva haha...
To hide the little bubbles I stamped on it with Essence - Caribbean Sea from the Show Your Feet collection. The entire SYF collection works great for stamping, but they're not for sale anymore! I used the Konad M71 plate.

daylight, no flash and no topcoat.

normal light, no flash and no topcoat.

I think it looks soooo cool, what do you guys think?

x Elize

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