Let's start with..polishes! The polishes I want VERY BADLY, are the Hungerglaze polishes from China Glaze. I"m a HUUUUGE fan of the Hungergames books, and the colours are so FRICKIN amazing, let me show you!
Did you know I'm actually going to find a job just so I can buy this entire collection? LOL..
Ok, on to the next polishes!
I would love to have Color Club - Revvvolution and Color Club - Wild At Heart. Since I tried out my first CC (Untamed Luxury) I want moreeee.. And of course, both holos :D
Next, 3 Nfu Ohs. I don't own any Nfu Oh polishes so far, but I love the bottledesign and I can't WAIT to try them!
Left to right: #52, #54 and #65
All blue, and all special. That's how I like my polishes :D
Next up, 3 random polishes, not all from the same brand.
Left to right: OPI - Ski Teal We Drop, Golden Rose scale effect #06 and Herôme - Kingston
Let's continue with..stamping stuff!
Here are 3 KONAD-plates I'm dying to try:
Left to right: M56, M57 and M79.
And here are 3 Dashica-plates (you can order these on http://www.dashicabeautyshop.nl/, go check it out!)
Left to right: #8, #17 and #16
Cute right?
I also want some transparent nail wheels (I'll order those on eBay) and a doublesided stamp from KONAD.
Ofcourse, I have a lot more on my wishlist, but these are just the things I'd like to buy for my birthday..
My birthday is so close :D I can't wait! On the 27th of december I'll finally turn 15, aaaaah. I'm going to give a big party with my friend Sophia and hope I'll get loads of money to buy all these goodies haha :D
Name the 3 polishes you want the most in the comments!
x Elize
PS. Should I keep the font this big, or make it small again?