Showing posts with label Blog Award. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blog Award. Show all posts

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Blog Love

I received this Blog award from Sherri at Be About Your Father's Business. Sherri has a heart for God and she expresses this in her writing. I encourage you to stop by her place for a visit where I am sure you will be blessed. Thanks Sherri for the award!!!

The 5 blogs that I am sending the award to are:
Debra @ Clothed with Scarlet
Christina @ All That Blog
Deborah @ Bout Crazy
Dee Dee @ I Have No Greater Joy
Cheryl @ Hope for Each Day

It was very hard deciding which blogs to give the award to....there are so many that I enjoy reading that encourage, inspire and challenge me.
I encourage you to stop by each of these blogs for a visit ....I am sure you will be glad you did!!

Here's the rules:1) Put the logo on your blog
2) Add the link of the blogger who shared the award with you
3) Pass this award to bloggers whose blogs you love
4) Add your link to the list of participants below
5) Leave a message on the blog of the blogger who passed this award

Also check out the blogs that I have listed on my blog list....these blogs are AWESOME!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Butterfly Award

I am behind on a few things ...Tracy gave me this award last week.
I have then honor of receiving this Butterfly Award from Tracy at Seed Thoughts. Tracy is always inspiring and encouraging and when you stop by her blog I am sure you be blessed.

Thanks Tracy for giving me this award!!!!!
I would like to pass this award on to the following blogs who have inspired me. I enjoy stopping by each of these blogs. I encourage you visit their blogs.
I pass the Butterfly Blog Award for the Coolest Blog to:
Dee Dee @ No Greater Joy

The rules are to pass award on to others with their link and link back to the person from whom you received the award.
Have Fun!

Monday, July 14, 2008


Today has been one of those days that you enjoy, but is tiring. I went to work at the church for a little while to help out with all the phone calls for Kids Kamp that will be this weekend. Went to lunch with a friend. Joey called and needed me to pick him up in Fultondale. Headed to pick him up and get to Hoover and he calls to tell me never mind! So, I head home and fill out some paper work for Andrea (college stuff) ....then I take the time to read my blog. I am so glad I did! I have received my very first blog award!! YeaH!!! I am excited.!!!! Cheryl from :Hope for Each Day has honored my with this award! It is called: Arte y Pico (meaning "Peak of Art")

What is the meaning of the expression: And basically, ironically, it translates into a wonderful phrase in Mexico, “lo maximo.” LOL! It will never find its counterpart in English, but if it HAD to, it would be something like, Wow. The Best Art. Over the top. I got this info off of the Arte y pico blog.

Cheryl is a SWEET GODLY WOMAN who has a heart for God! I met her through blog land . I enjoy reading her blogs and encouraging words. I visit her blog each day and encourage you to check her out at Hope for Each Day .You will be blessed!

As a recipient of these awards, I have been asked to share each award with five blogs that bless me. I have chosen:

Kimberly @ A Planting for the Lord
Deborah @ Bout Crazy
Lori @ Encouragement From My Heart
Krista @ Krista's Kronicles and Coffee Talk
Dee Dee @ No Greater Joy

I hope that each of these ladies are as excited as I am! There are so many blogs that I enjoy reading that it was hard to make a decision on which to choose.
Congratulations friends!Your “official instructions” follow. Now go forth and share the love! To the recipients of the award...pick five blogs you consider deserving of this award, whether for creativity, design, interesting material, or contributions to the blogging community, no matter what language. Name each nominee and link to his/her blog. Show the award and include the name (and link to his/her blog) of whoever presented you with this award.Link to the Arte y Pico blog so everyone knows the origin of this award. Post these rules.

Congratulations Ladies!!!