Developer: n-Space
Developer: n-Space
Developer: n-Space
Publisher: Rockstar Games
Publisher: Rockstar Games
Genre: Action Adventure
Release Date: Canceled (US)
Release Date: Canceled (US)
Release Date: Canceled (US)
Austin Powers
Developer: n-Space
Developer: n-Space
Developer: n-Space
Publisher: Rockstar Games
Publisher: Rockstar Games
Genre: Action Adventure
Release Date: Canceled (US)
Release Date: Canceled (US)
Release Date: Canceled (US)
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Austin Powers

Developed exclusively for the PlayStation 2, Austin Powers is a humorous action/adventure based on the film franchise of the same name. Meant to serve as a plot bridge that ties all three movies together, the videogame version of Austin Powers features several dancing and photography-based mini-games, several different playable characters, and a third-person action mode not unlike the developer's previous project Duke Nukem: A Time to Kill. Though originally scheduled to ship sometime in late 2001, Austin Powers was later delayed so as to better vibe with the release of the third Mike Meyers film, Goldmember. For reasons never officially explained, however, the game was inexplicably cancelled before that could happen and was never released for any territory.


Austin Powers (PS2)

Release Region: United States
Release Date: Canceled
Publisher: Rockstar Games


Release Medium


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