Akai Ito (PS2)
Developer: Success
Developer: Success
Developer: Success
Publisher: Success
Publisher: Success
Genre: Simulation
Release Date: Unreleased (UK)
Release Date: Unreleased (UK)
Release Date: Unreleased (AU)
Akai Ito
Akai Ito (PS2)
Developer: Success
Developer: Success
Developer: Success
Publisher: Success
Publisher: Success
Genre: Simulation
Release Date: Unreleased (UK)
Release Date: Unreleased (UK)
Release Date: Unreleased (AU)
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Akai Ito

In this conversation game from Success, you play as a female character called Kei Hatou, who, because of her blood, is being pursued by goblins. Typical of this type of game, you progress by selecting paths through conversation sequences, leading up to one of thirty different endings. A scenario map lets you see visually how the story is branching off as you play. The game's title, "akai ito," translates to "red thread." The Japanese first-run issue includes an anthology comic.


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