Past Work of the PHM Artists

Showing posts with label pinkeeps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pinkeeps. Show all posts

Herb gardening

One of our favorite things in the summer months are 
"Herb Gardens"

Whether it is the beauty in the plantings or the abundance of the herbs to use later in the year or the smells when we run our hands through the plant or adding to our next meal...I could go on and on.

Is your herb garden elaborate?

Do you use pots to help contain invaders like mint?

I found this great way to use a space!

Do you live where you do not have ground to put in an herb garden?
Why not do something like this?

What ever your favorite herbs are...have you started freezing and drying them to use your harvest throughout the coming year.

Here are a few links to help you with that...

also lots of good info for beginners

and of course...we can always count on Martha Stewart to give us lots of  projects!

I personally have an abundance of lavender, spearmint and basil. My harvested lavender will be the filling for my pinkeeps in the fall and spring. My basil is a staple around here for pizza and pesto. I have also had lots of fun trying to find ways to use my variety of mints. Here is a local Lancaster County Amish recipe you might like to try:

Meadow Tea
1 c. mint leaves...1/4 c. sugar...10 c. water

Wash mint and add to a pan with sugar (adjust to your taste) and 2 c. water. Bring to a boil and steep for 30 minutes. Remove leaves and add 8 c. cold water. Serve over ice. 

Let is know your favorite ways to use your herbs!
And always...if you are in the need for some prim shopping...check out our site

Your friends at PHM

Photos courtesy of Yahoo

Getting things done...

We have an update this week...
Thursday night to be exact and I wanted to give you a glimpse into a folk artists time.

There are few who are already finished with the new goods for this week...

There are some that are still working on them...

and there are some that haven't started yet

You can count me in on the latter!!! 

How do you get things done?
 Do you procrastinate? Are you a list maker and a planner? Are you organized or live in organized chaos? Do you work best under pressure? Or are you carefree and laid-back? 

Photo courtesy of Sew Woodsy

This photo made me laugh today! You can find lots of help out there for "getting things done".

Here are a few...

Never fear for on Thursday you will not be disappointed. There will be stitcheries, hooked rugs, animals, dolls, pinkeeps because there are great folk artists in our group that love what they do! I think one actually hooks rugs in her sleep, our "super woman" can paint while riding a horse and tending a garden, someone stitches away during the tornado warnings and some of us (ME) better get busy! See ya' Thursday evening 9 'ish!

Your friends at PHM!