I get to toot my own horn for a bit! I have the honor of being in the member Spotlight over at Love is in the Details!
Love is in the Details was the very first contact I had with in the scrapbooking world. It turned out that the store was only a 30 minute drive from where I live, and there are a good number of members that live within 1 1/2 hr radius. In winter we try to get together monthly for a scrappy day, and in spring and fall , Lori, the owner and her team but on a marvelous day of food, fun, fabulous prizes!
This is the place where I learned the basics,, where I slowly gained confidence to open my wings in this new world of scrapping , and start to SOAR! Love is in the Details will always be home to me no matter what.
From the bottom of my heart, Thank You!!!!
Here is what they wrote:
Welcome to the very first of our Member Spotlights for the Month of Love!!! We are so very excited to be able to showcase a member of our forum, show off some of their work, and ask them a few questions!!!
The lucky #1 is our own
CINNABON... aka Bonnie

Bonnie is a 'newer' scrapper, but you would never know it by looking at her creations.... she has a very true to herself style and her layouts come from the heart with minute details that others would never have the patience for!
First off, let's see what Bonnie had to say in regards to the questions thrown at her
1. You have been scrapbooking a relatively short period of time. Would you say your style has changed since beginning?
Yes! I definitely think my style has changed since I first started scrapbooking. I knew nothing about scrapbooking when I started so I didn't really have a style, and I still struggle with a name for my style.
2. What is your favorite technique that you apply to your pages?
I can only choose one? My favorite technique that i use on all my layouts would be distressing with ink and my Tim Holtz edge distresser. For me I have to do both!
3. If you owned your own scrapbook company, what type of embellishment/s would you like to focus on?
If I owned my own Scrapbooking Company I would definitely focus on a Tim Holtz meets Prima meets Websters Pages type of embellishments. Definitely flowers, vines, laser cut chipboard like Dusty Attics, and inks, LOTS of inks!
4. Where are all of your layouts kept, and do you show them to visitors or are they more private?
I only have 3 albums right now, that I keep in my living room, and the rest I have put in a big clear plastic container. I share them with anyone who is interested, and probably to some who aren't!
5. What advice would you give to someone that is just starting out in the scrapbooking area, and just doesn't know where to start?
I would have to say start researching on the internet. There are so many wonderful blogs and websites, you are bound to come across something that appeals to you. Also that there are no "rules". You don't have to scrap a certain way. I was first told that I had to have my pages matching each other when my book would be opened. I quickly realized I am not a 2 page scrapper, but a one page scrapper. Scrap in what ever order you like, weather chronologically or whatever suits your mood that day. Hook up with people from your LSS or some on line community. Love In The Details is a great place to start!!
Here is Bonnie's very first layout that was uploaded into her gallery...
And a gorgeous layout of her mother, that showcases her work with flowers that is so beautiful...
One of her most recent layouts, she posted that she applied almost every single technique that she has learned onto it... and the results are gorgeous...
Please head over to Bonnies gallery and take a browse through all of the beautiful layouts... you won't be disappointed!!
http://www.loveisinthedetails.ca/photog ... ?cat=10394
Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions, Bonnie!!