Showing posts with label Sewing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sewing. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

DIY: Baby Doll Dress with Peter Pan Collar

First time making a dress with no pattern with a collar! The skirt came from another old project that I did in 8th grade. The top is broadcloth from Joann Fabric. I basically cut out a tank top pattern and stuck it on. Collar is made from another old project circa 9th grade. My needle was too big for the fabric, hence the crappy hems on the armholes lol. 

If you don't make your own "pattern" (I use that term VERY loosely. For me, it's like rectangles with holes), then use a tank top and a skirt, stitch together and voila, new baby doll dress. Hot. 

Again, as modeled by my lovely sister. It is a little lopsided, but that's a okay!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

DIY: Pencil Skirt with exposed zipper

Sorry I didn't take pictures of the process! I only took pictures of the end process. However, this is still a really quick tutorial of making a pencil skirt, waistband and all. 

What you need:
1. Fabric (I used around 1.5 yards, but still had a ton left over)
2. Zipper
3. Material for waistband. 

Step 1: Make yo "pattern" and take yo measurements

Step 2: Cut out your skirt using the pattern and sew it. 
Step 3: Attach zipper. I put the zipper all the way down the front. 
Step 4: Attach lining. I used the same method that I used to make the fur vest here
Step 5: Attach waistband. It's basically a rectangle. 

Finished product:

Thursday, December 29, 2011

DIY: Fur Vest and Belt

I've been obsessed with fur vests lately. However, nice ones are hard to come by. I wanted to make a belt and vest ensemble, but the belt came up too wide, especially since the vest is a short vest. I originally wanted a thinner, leather belt, but they didn't have fake leather in stock and that made me unhappy :'(

What you'll need:
1. Faux Fur- I got 3/4 of a yard from Mood in NY. That place is the best. 
2. Closures- I got a zipper that wasn't separating >.> Go me
3. Lining- The underside of faux fur is rough, kinda like carpet. I went for a cheap polyester one
4. Belt Material - I went with an elastic because they didn't have pleather. 
5. Closure for belt- I went with snaps (size 2) 
6. Belt Buckle

Everything was gotten from Mood

Step 1: Make yo design/pattern. 
A vest is literally a rectangle with holes for arms. You want to measure across your shoulder, your arm hole+ 1 inch or so so you don't feel restricted, and the front should be half of shoulder+ 2 inches. That's because you have a width and you are 3D. Add more if you need more width. 

Step 2: Draw out your pattern on faux fur. 
You want to basically draw out the rectangle. Don't worry about length, worry about width. When cutting faux fur, lay it so that the fur is on the table. If you use scissors, you want to slide the tip so that it only cuts the backing. Don't just go crazy and chop it with large snips. If you do, then it'll shed like crazy. If you try to cut only the backing, you'll have minimal shedding. It only sheds where you cut. Then it stops. You want to leave an inch for later. 

Step 3: Basting/Cut armholes
Normally I would attach the lining first, but this time I won't. Baste the shoulder seams. Then, cut a large slit for the armhole. Then, make a "v" for your neckline and baste that as well. 

After basting the shoulder seams and neckline
Step 4: Sew your heart out with a machine. 
This is the only time you will machine sew. Sew the shoulder seams. 

Step 5: Attaching the lining. 
You want to attach the lining with this method on the armholes, shoulder, back, neckline and bottom hem. I actually did the bottom hem second to last because I didn't cut the bottom until I did the shoulder seams. What you basically do is fold the faux fur over the lining, and stich using a ladder or whip stich (or both!)

Completed the armholes, neckline, back. You fold the fur back onto the lining and that's how you get a circular armhole. 

Step 6: Sewing the rest of the front. 
Hopefully you've left the part that would hold closures (zipper, fur hooks etc) unlined. Basically this time you want to fold the lining so that it lines up with the fur. I'm doing it this way because I don't want the fur to be rolled over. I want the closure to rest on the polyester. It'll be easier to sew that way. BTW, I fold the fur over the lining to make a more "soft" look. If you dont' want that, then use said method to attach the lining to the fur. 

Step 7: Cutting the Bottom and lining it
If you have not done so already, figure how how short you want the vest and cut cut cut! Make sure to leave a 1.5 inch hem to fold up onto the lining. 

Step 8: Attaching the Closure
'Nuff said. Attach the closure. 

Making the belt

Step 1: Hem the elastic
I folded over 2 inches of the elastic and used the elastic stitch on the sewing machine. 

Step 2: Attach snaps

Freaking annoying. 

Step 3: Attach yo buckle
I did it by sewing it on. 

Finished garments
Poop. The belt is much too wide. Hopefully I can find material to make a new belt! If not, oh well. I still have a cute vest and a cute belt! Expect OOTD!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

DIY: Leopard Print Skirt

This is a super quick and easy skirt. All you need is an old shirt and a zipper. 

 Cut along the straight line, and sew along the dotted lines. 

 Fold down the top to make a waistband. Also, leave room if you want a zipper! Take the time to repin and reshape it into the shape you want. 
 I FLASHED YOU BECAUSE I CAN. okay i have problems. 

Total time: 30 min. 
Total Cost: 0$

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Quick Sewing Update and Cecilia Cassini??

So for the past few days, I have been in a hermitage (which you can build in CIV IV for culture points and it is a national wonder. Okay I is a nerd. LOLcopter) knitting and sewing. Mainly for my sister and misc. presents for my friends. I'm just going to put up a quick picture of a "jacket" thing that my sister wanted. It used to be a dress from the 80s that my mom used to wear. Sorry, but I don't have any personal projects. I don't want to post up the pictures of the stuff I knitted because, well, its for my friends and not for me! And I have nothing else to post really... but I want to! Okay okay. 

 My sister is into the "military" style. I just had to make the arm hole smaller, make the waist a little thinner and add things to close the "jacket". 

On a side note, has anyone heard of Cecilia Cassini? I just read about her on I'll link you here. I'm not going to lie. I usually don't like to read about kid bashing. I was kind of like her when I was younger (the liking sewing clothes and making stuff, not the annoying voice, flamboyant behaviour, and strange tastes for triangle dresses and tube tops). Usually I like to support kid's interests, like my sister. When she went through the drawing phase, sewing phase, wanting to make her own dictionary phase, and now her knitting phase, I always supported and helped her. Why? Because it's good to nurture a kid's dreams to find new talent. But this is ridiculous. After I read it on regretsy, I was basically like "wtf... uhm... this is really weird...". I'm not really a fan mostly because I hate her attitude. It's okay to showcase your stuff, but it's not okay to act like you are the very best by saying that your sewing teacher sucks or something. Everyone has a lot to learn, especially her since she is only 10 or 11. But I digress. What do you guys think? 

I have to finish some other projects. Hohoho, no school work!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Let's do the limbo! How low can you go? Tutorial: Changing waistbands on jeans

Most of my family lives in Taiwan, the Netherlands, and Hong Kong. My reletives in HK and Taiwan like to buy me clothes, except well, frequently the measurements are wrong because they have to guesstimate by some numbers that my dad sends over every year. This usually results in clothing that are too large, or high waisted or not my style. Luckily, I've found a way to make the waistbands on jeans "lower". This means that if have you have a pair of jeans that are "mid- waisted" or "high- waisted", you can take them a bit lower, like 1 and a half inches. This is especially good as well, if you buy a pair of jeans from Macy's or something, and they fit your butt, thighs, legs, but not waist, becuase you can tailor the waistband to fit you.

This project is not for the meek! This is especially good if you are trying to make a new waistband to kick up a pair of pants, trying to make something fit your waist, or trying to make your pants a lower rise. I'm not going to teach you guys to make your jeans like 5 inches lower becuase that's some serious stuff right there. You have to move the pockets, cut off a substantial amount of cloth, move zipper etc. That's scary stuff right there.

Here's the original pair of pants:


1. First, take off the waistband. This isn't that hard actually. There's some thread holding it to the jeans and you just have to snip that and you'll find that the waistband comes off pretty easy. Underneath the waistband is just the jean pant part that has fraying stuff.

2. Now, you want to put in a new waistband that is lower than the original. You see the fraying edges? You just want to take some cloth, denim or not (whatever floats yo' canoe), and wrap it around the edges. If you don't understand, I have a picture below and lemme give you an analogy. You know when you have to tape together two edges of a piece of paper? How do you do that? You tape it together by putting half of the tape on one side and half on the other side right? It's the same concept, except you are "taping" the frayed edges down.

3. Be careful of the zipper. Try not to cover it too much. Now you have some space right? Put a hook- and- eye clasp there. They come in many different sizes and you can find them at a local craft store. I've put a link HERE. I chose not to use a button because then you have to make a button hole and those are seriously annoying.

4. I forgot to mention, save the belt loops. If you've thrown them away, just make some. Sew the belt loops back on, and if you want, put a li'l button on the front and you are fantasticlly good to go!

Final look:

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What do you do after APs are over...? FINISH SKIRTS!

Actually, the correct answer to the one above would be to finish your other work, but you know, I deserve a break after AP Stats and BC calc right? Right. So, remember the skirt that I showed some ladies last post? I finished it! Thanks to Heather and Lillian, I love you guys!

What do you think? It went from a gross office skirt with an asspocket to this lovely contraption! I like how it's kind of a wild child mix of amazon jungle and pearls! Now, if only I had something to wear with it... I kinda actually want to make a contest out of that! Winner will be chosen randomly, becuase I believe that all advice is valid and useful, but you have to give me one piece of advice to be entered. Or maybe not. I mean I would actually like the advice now. So if you do have advice, do tell. I will be hosting another contest though before I leave for the summer!

Hey and a quick question, if I were to offer a handmade item as a prize, would you be interested? I know that most people only enter in contests where there's a gigundo amount of prizes or like a ton of high end products. Well, I'm taking this informal poll that is not statistically valid (due to voluntary bias) just as a go see becuase I'm going to be hitting up AC Moore first week of June or something to get some more materials. I am quite out of evrything!

Some posts you dollies should be looking out for: Making mid-waist jeans to a lower rise, haulies, and a ring and necklace tut!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Swap Haul and Quick fashion question for you fashionable ladies

Hey my fashionable ladies! How's everyone today? I meant to put this post up over the weekend, but it's been SO FREAKING HOT. UGH. And muggy. I mean, it went from 40 degrees to 80 in a period of literally 2 days. Also, it's been really really humid (haha like the eyeshadow) and my concealer/NYX jumbo pencils melted a bit. Ugh. Yeah, they're easier to work with, but it's gross...

I know that you ladies from the South are probably laughing now, but I THINK THAT 80 DEGREES IS QUITE WARM! I'm in the North, so... anything over 70 is horrid LOL.

Here's my swapsies with 2 ladies. I don't remember what I swapped unfortunately.... I got TKB trading in Manganese Violet, Electric Cosmetics' pink mineral eyeshadow, Chill Curve by Liz Clairborne, ELF mineral lipstick in Nicely Nude.

Some quick thoughts: I LOVE this new perfume, even though it is a EDT instead of EDP. It's alright. I've actually been planning for a long time to buy some beeswax, vitamin e oil and make some solid perfumes, but it's not like I have time now! Maybe when I get back from college over the winter break. I'll have a month of time then! LOL! It starts out as this light citrus/flowery smell then goes into a more warm and muskyness. I usually don't like warm smells, but this is aiight. I HATE AMBER. that's gross okay.
And how is that nicely Nude? It pulls a brighter pink on me, put it doesn't go too opaque, so it's not like Viva Gaga. Thankfully. I don't think this is nude at all.. but it's a cute pink.

Anyway, I'm calling all fashionistas! Even if you don't think that you are a fashionista, who cares! Go comment becuase I love all opinions. So, I've been working on this skirt, but I'm kinda stuck! It currently looks a bit BRIDAL, which no offense to people who like that, it's not my style. I'm not a real "bridal" kinda person. I like girly/vintage, but still with a bit of a kick. Ya know?

Tell me, what do I need to add? Don't worry about items. I've got fake flowers, faux pearls, fabrics in all colors etc. Well, here's the skirt in progress. Sorry about the crotch shot, but I needed to display the fabric on the outside of the skirt.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sewing Projects on Sundae'z

You like how I spelled Sunday? I think that it's quite fantabulous as well thank you very much. Hold the applause.

Anyway, over the weekend (meaning Friday and Saturday of this week and last week), I was busy doing mundane and boring stuff such as prepping for my APs, but I was also able to make a new dress for my sister! It's for her 8th grade graduation and I finally finished it! I think that this is my best work to date, although I do need to figure out how to do zippers without the bunching and ugliness. Good thing I found a site that made a GREAT tut on that. I'll have to try that out next time I do something.

Here is my sister modeling the dress.

My only regret is that I can't bring my sewing machine with me to CMU LOL. I wouldn't have time in the first place! I'll be back in the middle of the week with a review of the PF cream liners, and I've got a couple swaps shakin' and bakin' so those will be at the end of the week.


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sequins are a Labor of love

Today, I finally finished the long term project that I've been working on for AGES. Literally, for ages. I have successfully sequined the sleeves of a t-shirt that I bought from Old Navy. One arm is slightly tighter than the other arm, but it's not a big deal to me really. It's not really uncomfortable, but it's different becuase the sleeves aren't really movable. You know? The sequins overlap like scales and I designed it to be like a fish caught in a fishnet. At first I wanted to do like this rainbow thing, but that would require that I actually sort out all the sequins into thier respective colors, and just no. Absolutely not. I am planning on wearing this in the summer with a pair of skinny jeans. What do you guys think? Is it too ostentatious? Too flashy? Or do you like it. Leave your comments below! I do apologize for my dirty and disgusting mirror. I didn't even realize all the fingerprints until I took the pictures!

I just sewed the sequins on with plain black thread and then interlinked them by layering the sequins. To do that, follow these instructions. First, push the needle through the sequin hole, then push the needle through the fabric next to the sequin edge. Pull it back up through the fabric and add another sequin. Now, take your needle and push it back through the original sequin hole. Now, push your needle through the fabric so it comes out at the edge of the second sequin. I will post pictures to help.


Friday, December 11, 2009

Tutorial: Turning a shirt into a skirt!

Ew, this shirt, is so ugly. I mean it looks OKAY now, but in reality it's so gross because the top, doesnt actually go below the belly button and its humgoly WIDE. I mean, I would wear this if I were:

1. Pregnant- This is wide enough to be a maternity shirt.

2. If I had a stomachache- to give my stomach some space so it can breathe

3. Were to go to a thanksgiving party- to give my stomach space to expand

Unfortunately, none of those things apply to me, so I decided to be thrifty and make it from a ugly shirt into a fabulous skirt!

1. First you want to just cut off the top part, the part with the sleeves/arm holes. You don't need them anyway!
2. Now, take the top (assuming that the bottom is nicely hemmed), and hem it. You want to leave a space open so you can put the elastic in. Also, the hem should be around 1 inch wide or so. And if the fabric is sheer, before you do the hem, please pleaseplease put a lining. Just sew one in underneath the skirt so that your thigh muscle doesn't like, stick through because that's so gross.

3. Now, take a piece of elastic and cut off a piece that just wraps around your waist. Shove it through that space that you left open and drag it all around through the waistband. Now, tie it so that the waist becomes around 2-3 inches smaller than your actual waist. You need it to GRIP not just hang loose on your waist, unless you like the "my ass sticks out" look.
4. Now, notice how on the bottom it's really weird? This is your chance to pick off any weird stuff, make some outside decorations etcetc. I added a lace piece on the outside of the skirt and sewed the bottom so that it's not so flippy.

5. Finished product! Beayuuuuuutiful. Lovely. Now, I must do my Stats Extra Credit!


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ahem, Ahem, new miniskirt!

First things first, enter her blog for a MAC giveaway! She's so generous and letting you pick an eyeshadow, lipglass, lipstick and blush!!

And, I made my first miniskirt! I've made things before with a pattern, meaning I got those packets where there are actual predrawn patterns on a piece of paper. This time, I just have a book that kinda tells you how to draw it out, what the proportions are, but you're basically on your own.

I paired it with a necklace from Charlotte Russe and a tank top from H&M. yes, it's kinda wrinkly but it can be ironed out. Yes, there's some issues, but hey, whos scrutinizing? I mean, I notice because I'm a perfectionist and I get really picky about it. Does it look too childish? I hope not. I cut up an old vest to make the thick waistband.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What I made today!

Hey Ladies! I just wanted to post what I made today for my sis. The dress was made from 2 different skirts, layered together.

I'm also thinking of making a miniskirt out of this fabric. I want to toughen it up with buttons, and a thick black waistband. I've started working on it and I'll post pictures of it tomorrow! Do you guys think that it's too childish? the pattern I mean.

Oh, in case you guys are wondering, I use a pattern book to make my stuff, or I just remodel old stuff into new stuff. This is the book I like to use for my miniskirt. Yes, it's in chinese, but I get my mom to translate it. I can also translate a bit myself. =)

I am by NO MEANS a pro. But if you guys have any questions about sewing, crafting projects, always feel free to contact me, leave a comment, whatever~
