Haul: Garnier makeup wipes, St. Ives olive oil face wash, St. Ives oatmeal and shea butter body polish, pumice stone and bobby pins. Sorry for the weirdness of the alignment of the picture. But I'm going on a lunch date in like 30 minutes SO YEAH. Sryimabumokaythanksforunderstanding.
And also this morning, I fashioned a pair of new false lashes. Basically, in the TW, I bought a huge stack of false lashes. Like they're all the same ones. They were like 3 dollars for what, 10 or so pairs? They are extreme, but I wanted them to be extreme-er (if that is a word) and so I glued two of them on top of each other, making sure to "stagger" the spikes. Here are some pictures. Yay!
So that was bascially detailing my process in pictures. It's pretty simple. On a side note, does anyone live in the TW or any other asian countries where you can bascially pick up false eyelashes for the CHEAP at night markets? If you do, can anyone pick some up for me? Just shoot me an email and I'll paypal you some cash to cover shipping and such. Thanks
On another side note, I have started my Etsy store, LimitlesslyYours. Right now, all orders will be 20% off until 10/1! Since Etsy doesn't have a coupon code, I will be manually refunding the discount. Lovely etsy. Way to really keep up with the times
On the last side note, I am officially getting used to this new blogger thingie. It's quite nifty actually once you get used to it. Okay off to my lunch date! Byebye