Showing posts with label weird. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weird. Show all posts

Saturday, 4 February 2017

11 People Who Turned Up Alive At Their Own Funeral

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Picture the scene: You're at a funeral, or are in the process of arranging one, when the person who's supposed to be in the coffin turns up to see what's going on. Stuff of imagination? More often than not, yes. But sometimes, it really does happen.

11 People Who Turned Up Alive At Their Own Funeral.

Thursday, 22 December 2016

The World's Strangest Christmas Trees

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If we're being honest, the history of the Christmas tree is murky, pre-dating Christianity itself. The modern Christmas tree is most often traced back to the Renaissance.

Whatever the story, people from that time didn't envision a future in which their holy trees weren't harvested from the forest. They certainly didn't envision a 600-ton sand sculpture on the beaches of Florida.

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

15 Creepiest Vintage Toys That Would Haunt Any Children's Dreams

Here are 15 toys that would pretty much scare the crap out of most adults and possibly give you nightmares for a while.

Sunday, 27 November 2016

10 Intriguing Newspaper Reports Of Little Green Men

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The 1950s and 1960s were a great time to meet little green men. At the very least, it was a darn good time to read about them in the newspapers. Almost every day, there were accounts of flying saucer >sightings and incidents with little green men (who were not always green).

Friday, 14 October 2016

A Strange History Of Dog-Headed Men

Perhaps one of the stranger creatures to pop up in ancient traveler's tales is the dog-headed man. Seemingly an absurd and unlikely beast to be sure, such creature have nevertheless been prevalent and persistent in a wide range of writings throughout history.

Stories of purported dog-headed men go back well into history. Mostly referred to as the Cynocephali, these were typically described as essentially humans with the head of a dog, and they feature heavily in stories going across cultures throughout the world.

(via Miss Cellania)

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Creepy Clown Craze: How Dangerous Are Clowns Really?

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It's the craze which is terrifying children and adults alike on both sides of the Atlantic, whether you like it or not. Creepy clowns, lurking in dark corners, wielding the odd weapon, have closed schools, created mass panic and kept police officers in the US and UK busy.

If you saw one lurking outside your window, you'd have good reason to be terrified. But just how dangerous are these red-nosed children's entertainers really?

Monday, 10 October 2016

The Kawaii World Of Doughnut Kitten

image credit YouTube

Welcome to the kawaii world of Doughnut Kitten. Feel yourself drift into a rainbow-coated state of bliss as a wide-eyed kitten, nestled in a scrumptious doughnut emoji, transforms your screen into ever-evolving work of modern art.

Saturday, 17 September 2016

15 Quirky World Championships

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Every four years, athletes from around the world compete in more than 50 sports at the Winter and Summer Olympics. But not every sport is fit for the Olympic stage. Here are a few non-traditional international matchups.

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Why You Can't See All Twelve Black Dots In This Optical Illusion

What you see in picture above are intersecting gray lines on a white background. Twelve black dots blink in and out of existence where the gray lines meet. To be clear, there really are 12 black dots in the image. But (most) people can't see all 12 dots at the same time. Why is that?

Saturday, 27 August 2016

10 Thoroughly British Mysteries

image credit YouTube

Shrouded in fog and rain, the landscape of England is perfect for mysteries. The following ten mysteries offer up a smorgasbord of the unexplained, from ghost sightings to unsolved murders to inexplicable weather patterns.

Friday, 19 August 2016

Men In Chairs

Every now and then you happen to come upon a very strange video. Like this one. Who are those men and why are they screaming?

YouTube link

(thanks Cora)

Thursday, 18 August 2016

16 Bizarre Victorian Inventions

If you think that organs and bones crushing corsets were the most bizarre creation of the Victorian era, you could not be more wrong. Victorians have come up with its fair share of weird inventions.

Even though this era was a long period of peace and prosperity, science was going through a weird phase. Here are 16 bizarre inventions from the Victorian era, some useful, and some... not so much.

Sunday, 31 July 2016

The Strange World Of Japanese Hangover Cures

image credit: jam_232

Scientists basically have no idea why hangovers happen. To cure hangovers, different folk remedies vary by national or regional culture, and range wildly in popularity.

But perhaps no country has stranger and more thorough hangover cures than Japan. What makes Japanese cures different is their breadth. In Japan the culture of curing a hangover is closer to homeopathic medicine: these are preventative or curative potions designed to heal specific organs.

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Singapore's Beloved And Creepy Wonderland

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In Singapore in 1937, Haw built the million-dollar Haw Par Villa and Tiger Balm Garden, which included dioramas of painted concrete statues acting out morality tales from traditional Chinese stories and myths, including the graphic and disturbing Ten Gates of Hell.

Today, you can wander the grounds, free of charge. It's the 'creepy wonderland' - as many Singaporeans once fondly called it - aspect of Haw Par Villa that shines through amid the 150 dioramas and roughly 1,000 individual sculptures.

(thanks Lisa)

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Some Of The Very Best Alien Conspiracy Theories

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On June 2, 1947, a US Air Force surveillance balloon (or was it?) crash-landed near Roswell, New Mexico, unleashing a new era of alien sightings, abductions, and government secrecy.

Last Saturday was World UFO Day, a time for sharing and speculation, and as good an excuse as any to call on your leaders to declassify their extraterrestrial evidence, or 'X-Files.' But if you're just in the mood to get lost in some of the weirdest alien reports out there, this article is for you.

Monday, 4 July 2016

10 Fascinating Real-World Easter Eggs

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It's time to call out the bored, overcaffeinated programmers of this environment we call reality. Despite all the obvious and serious problems with the programming, they still apparently find time to leave strange, nonsensical things in unlikely places - purely to screw with us.

Saturday, 2 July 2016

Meerkat Fried Chicken Phone Case

Meerkat Fried Chicken Phone case for the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6S. Slim gel case with silicon chicken drum stick. Works as a kick stand. Don't pull the product too hard - Chicken will fall apart. Don't rub the product too hard - Chicken will get dirty. Crispy chicken material: Silicon gel case + rubber chicken drum stick.

(thanks Cora)

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

10 Bizarre But Chilling Encounters With Black-Eyed Children

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Whether they're ghosts, demons, aliens, or simply the product of people's overactive imaginations, the stories of black-eyed children are all interesting and equally chilling. Here are 10 of them, and if you hear a knock at your door while reading these, maybe think twice before opening it.

Thursday, 2 June 2016

10 Bizarre Claims Of Alien/Human Hybrids

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Of all the alien claims and theories out there, the ones that speak of an alien/human hybrid agenda might be the most outlandish. However, many people do make these claims to the world, and although they themselves sometimes note how crazy they sound, they insist that what they're saying is real.

While it is hard for even the most enthusiastic ufologist or alien researcher to take these statements entirely seriously, they are still very interesting ideas.

Monday, 23 May 2016

This Is... Japan World Cup 3

This is one of the most bizarre Japanese videos I have ever seen featuring the strangest horse races around. Hightower and AxialMatt of Achievement Hunter take a look at some of the game's strange and hilarious antics.

YouTube link

(via Laughing Squid)