Showing posts with label education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label education. Show all posts

Saturday, 31 December 2016


Instructables is a website specializing in user-created and uploaded do-it-yourself projects, which other users can comment on and rate for quality. It was created by Eric Wilhelm and Saul Griffith and launched in August 2005.

Instructables is dedicated to step-by-step collaboration among members to build a variety of projects. Users post instructions to their projects, usually accompanied by visual aids, and then interact through comment sections below each Instructable step as well in topic forums.

Saturday, 12 November 2016

Why? - Answers To Everyday Questions

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Why is blue for boys and pink for girls? Why are there bunnies and eggs at Easter? Why do you get hiccups? Why does wet fabric appear darker?
These and more answers to everyday questions.

Monday, 12 September 2016

9 Bizarre Schools That Actually Exist

image credit: Lisa Bailey

While there are myriad approaches to education in all disciplines, from calculus to literature to language to chemistry, if you want to learn about magical people hiding under rocks or unconventional physics, you might have to look outside the realm of traditional schooling.

If you're hoping to further your education, consider these nine schools that diverge somewhat from the standard curriculum.

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Enter An Archive Of 6,000 Historical Children's Books

We can learn much about how a historical period viewed the abilities of its children by studying its children's literature. And we can do so by surveying the thousands of mid- to late 19th century titles at the University of Florida's Baldwin Library of Historical Children's Literature.

Their digitized collection currently holds over 6,000 books free to read online from cover to cover, allowing you to get a sense of what adults wanted children to know and believe. You can search the collection on language, publisher, topic, geographic area and genre.

Monday, 16 May 2016

Flag Stories

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What is the most dominating flag colour of the world? How old are national flags? What do flag colours symbolise? What do flag colours say about a country? Learn everything about flags.

(via Nag on the Lake)

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

The Smart Person's Guide To Avoiding Electrical Shock

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Getting shocked is more than unpleasant, it can be lethal. An electrical impulse as small as 14 milliamps is enough to kill a person.

Being handy with electrical work can help you keep your home in tip-top shape, save money by repairing appliances, and avoid household dangers. But you've got to be serious about safety if you're going to start messing with electricity. How to avoid electrical shock.

Monday, 2 May 2016

Making Your Bed Is A Total Waste Of Time

image credit: Fygget

It's one of the most annoying possible tasks out there - a chore with limited value that gets undone every single night. Unlike tying your shoes, making your bed doesn't protect you or significantly improve your life.

Yet, for some reason, we as a society value this form of busywork way too freaking much. But it's better to leave your comforter lumped in a pile on top of your bed, just as disorganized as you left it the night before.

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Why You Should Never Throw Out Those Silica Sachets

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Anyone who's ever bought a new electronic device or pair of shoes will be all too familiar with those little 'Do Not Eat' sachets that come in the box. Most of us have a vague idea that they're somehow keeping our products fresh, but toss them as soon as the box is open without a second thought.

But it turns out that just might be a bad idea because these free sachets can be used for a whole range of life hacks that can save you time, energy, and money.

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

36 Easy Self-Improvement Tips For A Better 2016

We've all made extravagant New Year’s resolutions but studies have shown that only about 8% of people achieve their goals. Such a low rate of success is largely attributed to making goals that are too complicated, far-reaching, and unrealistic.

Personal Creations made a list of 36 small changes you can make to improve yourself in the new year. The changes include tips for improving work life, health, general happiness, and productivity.

(thanks Julissa)

Monday, 21 September 2015

25 Of The Most Dangerous And Unusual Journeys To School In The World

To the delight (or dismay) of millions, the school season is beginning in many countries throughout the world. But it's important not to forget that, in some parts of the world, school can be a hard-won luxury.

Many children throughout the world have to take the most incredible and unimaginable routes in order to receive the education that some of us may take for granted. This article will show you just how determined some children can be when it comes to getting an education.

Monday, 7 September 2015

Where On Earth Can I Drink Tap Water?

Just The Flight made an interactive infographic called 'Where on Earth Can I Drink Tap Water?.' The piece puts an end to the age-old debate about which countries it is safe to drink tap water in, as well as exploring the relative price of bottled water and beer around the world as alternatives.

(thanks Harry)

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Stinks, Bangs And Booms: The Rise Of The Chemistry Set

A chemistry set is an educational toy allowing the user to perform simple chemistry experiments. Some of the earliest chemistry sets were developed in the 18th century in England and Germany, for use in teaching. More modern chemistry sets from the 1900s were intended to be toys.

Stinks, Bangs And Booms is a beautiful interactive site that tells the inception, the heydays, the decline and the resurgence of the chemistry set.

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

12 Absurd Facts About 'Alice In Wonderland'

image credit: Sofi

When Alice's Adventures in Wonderland came out in 1865, it was a blockbuster success. The book is widely credited with changing the landscape of children's literature, adding nonsensical fun to what had been a genre obsessed with moralizing.

This year, the literary cornerstone turns 150 years old. Here are a few facts you might not know about Alice and its author, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (better known as Lewis Carroll).

Thursday, 2 July 2015

19 Things You Might Not Know Were Invented In Canada

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The good people of Canada are responsible for many inventions you use every day. Especially if you're someone who plays Trivial Pursuit in a Wonderbra while eating peanut butter smeared on McIntosh apples.

Friday, 19 June 2015

How Long It Takes Kids To Read Popular Books

Reading with your kids is proven to build healthier relationships, improve basic reading skills and entrench them in imaginary experiences. But when your child comes home with a reading assignment or grabs a new favorite book at the library, have you ever wondered how long it'll take for them to finish?

Taking the average reading speed based on the grade level appropriate for each book, Personal Creations calculated how long it would take kids to tackle more than 50 popular children's books.

(thanks Julissa)

Tuesday, 16 June 2015


With Factoclock, you learn something new every minute.

Saturday, 23 May 2015

Why Graduates Dress The Way They Do

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Graduation Graduation attire may seem weird, but it's born of tradition, honor, and rank. Academic regalia in the United States has been influenced by the academic dress traditions of Europe.

There is an Inter-Collegiate code which sets out a detailed uniform scheme of academic regalia followed by most, though some institutions do not adhere to it entirely, and fewer still ignore it.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Chaos In The Playground: Fascinating Images Of School Playgrounds Across The Globe

Capturing the opposing narratives of laughter and torment, photographer James Mollison looks at the dynamics in school playgrounds all over the world.

'Playground' documents schools in the United Kingdom, USA, India, Japan, Norway, Kenya, and many other locales, composing a united vision of the meaning of 'play.'

Monday, 20 April 2015

Can We Guess Your Level Of Education?

Answer 20 questions and this site determines the level of your actual knowledge. I took the quiz and I didn't find it too hard.

You enjoy academic settings, as they fit your balanced, self-aware personality. You are engaged in the entire scholarly experience, and always seek opportunities to enhance learning. You are hardworking, and won’t let any challenge stop you from achieving the best grades possible. Good for you, Professor.

Can We Guess Your Level Of Education?

(thanks Malcolm

Monday, 5 January 2015

25 Tutorials That Will Teach You To Fold Like A Pro

Do you know how to fold a fitted sheet? A t-shirt, a bag of chips, or a dress shirt? These 25 tutorials will teach you how to bend anything like a boss.