Hello everyone, now that I'm in a shop, I'm in need of a CT. This is a first for me and I'm excited. So if you like my designs and love to scrap then why not try out for my Creative Team? I've have to positions available:
February 11, 2008 19-FEB-08. I will be announcing CT on February 16, 200823-FEB-08. If you are interested in applying click the following images for more information. Otherwise skip on down below get get your freebie.
- Layout Designer (make layouts using my kits)
- QP Designer (make quick pages using my kits)
Layout Designer
QuickPage Designer

oops! how I accidentally published this, no clue! check back in about 20 minutes. I should be done uploading freebie and editing this post.
LOL! Okay scrappers all fixed, freebie is below:

Limited Download Availability!
Download Expired:
{PinkuPixie Mini kit - Love}
zip file size: 35.9 mb
Please DO NOT pass this link around, to do so is an act of piracy. Instead please refer your friends and family here to download for themselves. Thank you!
oops! how I accidentally published this, no clue! check back in about 20 minutes. I should be done uploading freebie and editing this post.
LOL! Okay scrappers all fixed, freebie is below:
Limited Download Availability!
Download Expired:
{PinkuPixie Mini kit - Love}
zip file size: 35.9 mb
Please DO NOT pass this link around, to do so is an act of piracy. Instead please refer your friends and family here to download for themselves. Thank you!