Showing posts with label bees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bees. Show all posts

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Craft Stamper Inspiration

Every now and again I get a guilt trip about my collection of magazines (do like a bit of eye candy!!) that I read once and do't try out anything. Rather more frequently I have an even bigger guilt trip about all the stamps I have that don't get used. Looking back through my blog it would seem I am not as much of a stamper as my level of supplies would suggest. So looking for kick start here's a card and tag made following a tut in January's Craft Stamper. The colours really called to me.

I didn't follow the instructions exactly (well, what did you expect?) but pretty pleased with them all the same. So then I did my own version in different colours. Like these too.

One thing I did decide after all this time is that I don't like working with inks direct to my card blank. However careful I am to clean as I go I always get ink all over the back and then the finished project looks a mess. So in future I will do all my inkwork as a topper and then mount on the card blank. Looks much better. Oh and the blogger photo thing is still not resolved . I have managed however to get the photos the right way up but does mean I can't edit anything I want to publish as I think that may have been why they were turning around. So much more careful initial framing is required, not just my happy snap that I crop later. That can only be a good thing right? LOL see ya soon.

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...