Very little crafting time this week, work is starting to rev up and as usual I am woefully over committed. Must learn to say no....must learn to say no....must learn......
Anyhoo I digress. This month's offering is more crafty than arty and is once again an exercise in knowing when to stop. It is from an old Cosmo Cricket scrapbooking kit (love the papers!) and I thought it was about time I made up this particular piece. It is also not quite finished as you have to do that yourself - worked it out yet? It's an elaborate hanging picture frame (albeit for some rather small pictures) so you'll need to provide the piccies. It is quite large (each circle is approx 8" across) and not something I would be able to find space for in my home but might make a nice present even if you don't keep it for yourself.
If you want to be in the art draw then please leave a comment on this post. International players welcome, feel free to link from your own blogs (let me know and I'll put you in twice). We'll run this one until 9.00 pm on Monday 25th February.
Rant over.
See ya soon and thanks for playing,