Welcome to my blog. I'm probably very much like all of you who love the needlearts. My life revolves around family, friends, home and all things that help to make for a more contented life. When time allows; cooking, gardening, decorating, and collecting are my joys. I look forward to sharing all of these things with you. I also hope to keep you up to date on what is going on at Homespun Elegance, in regard to the needlework designs and the "Plain & Fancy Wares" that we offer.

Wishing you "Many Happy Stitches".

Showing posts with label fall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fall. Show all posts

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fall is Coming Soon

Greetings to all!!

I'll believe it when I feel it.  Fall is suppose to arrive in
Virginia tomorrow with crisp temperatures.  The sun
is suppose to appear after several days of blessed,
but in some cases excessive amounts of rain.  We
so needed it though.  We live next to a wooded
area and I always start to fret when it becomes
this dry in the Fall.  We have kids who walk through
the woods going from one neighborhood to another.
I know some of them are smoking, so I worry
about fires.  Thankfully I can stop thinking
about that for a while.
  I am really into my Christmas designing now.
There will be so many new things to show
you in the coming weeks.  Here is a "snippet"
of a new design.
I will have the second design in my new "Delivering"
series soon.  It will be a Christmas design, full of "olde"
fashion charm.  I think you will like it.  Will
show a little bit of that soon.

Update on my automobile accident.  I will be
starting physical therapy on Monday for my
shoulders.  Happy to report that the Dr.
does not think it is my rotator, so no surgery.
Thank heavens.  I hate physical therapy but
maybe I will be even stronger than before
when it is over. 

Hope to get some Fall decorating done this weekend.
Will show some pictures of the transformation
when done.

In the upper left corner, I now have a link to my
Etsy site.  You might want to check there occasionally.
I am going to be listing my new publications and lots of
other finished "wares".  

Wishing you a great night with "Many Happy Stitches",

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Fall, I don't think so!!

Hi Everyone,
The calendar says it is Fall, but I don't think so.  I'm 
thinking mums and this is what I get in my garden.  It was
 100 degrees in Fredericksburg, VA yesterday and is in the
90's today.
I have usually decorated for Fall by now, but not
this year.  Even last year with the wedding fast
approaching and no extra time, I still had it
all finished.  Maybe tomorrow when the 
weather breaks I will be inspired.
I do have two little hints of Fall in my house to
share.  This is my wonderful antique dough bowl
filled with dried stuff (can you see the dried mini 
pineapples), pine cones, nuts, and great
smelling potpourri and my "mulled cider"
candle.  My favorite scent this time of year.
This has nothing to do with Fall, but I thought
I would show you my guest bathroom that has 
my collection of silhouettes.  This doesn't show
them all.  I'm just a little obsessed with them.
The one in the upper right is one of my designs.
 I will have some more
sneak peaks soon and "wares" for sale.
In regard to the "Stitching Lady" journals
a few posts back.  I titled it All Gone and many
of you thought I meant they were all gone.  I
was referring to the four journals on the
previous post for the special price.  All of
the journals are available and will continue to
be at the $10.00 price.  Hope this clears up
the confusion.  I need to think a little more
before I write.  
"Many Happy Stitches"