Greetings Everyone!
Hope all is going well on this Monday.
I feel like I have spent days getting ready
for the Online Needlework Show which
will start October 21st. I think I have
finally finished loading everything, so
I am going to take a break and send you
some Halloween decorating in my home.
This is in the kitchen. We didn't put
cabinets all around the room. Opting instead
for this really olde Virginia pie safe. I keep
a lot of kitchen stuff in it.
Fireplace in the keeping room.
In the breakfast room.
This is in the breakfast room again. I got
this wonderful cornucopia several years
ago at the fantastic Waterford, VA
craft show -- a three day juried show
of the most amazing things. It is always the
first weekend in October.
The mantle in the living room, which is
the more formal part of the house. It really isn't
formal in the strickest sense, but just not
primitive. I love both looks so I try to
combine the two.
Corner cupboard in keeping room with
my collection of old iron stone. I
need to stop collecting all of this stuff.
Tomorrow I hope to give you a sneak peak
of my new Delivering design for Christmas.
Have a great night with
"Many Happy Stitches",