Welcome to my blog. I'm probably very much like all of you who love the needlearts. My life revolves around family, friends, home and all things that help to make for a more contented life. When time allows; cooking, gardening, decorating, and collecting are my joys. I look forward to sharing all of these things with you. I also hope to keep you up to date on what is going on at Homespun Elegance, in regard to the needlework designs and the "Plain & Fancy Wares" that we offer.

Wishing you "Many Happy Stitches".

Showing posts with label Wishing Thee Warmth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wishing Thee Warmth. Show all posts

Monday, January 13, 2014

Some News!

Good Afternoon Everyone!
A few posts back, I showed several designs that
many of you expressed an interest in.  So
I am finally going to give you the 
information you wanted and I will be adding them
to my ETSY SHOPPE in the next day or two.
"Wishing Thee Warmth"
$9.50 which includes the shipping
"Holiday Samplings II"
$10.50 which includes the shipping
The following designs from my
Purely Sampler Collection are
about to be reprinted.  Two
are just in time for
Valentine's Day!!
"She Seeketh Wool"
$9.50 which includes the shipping
"Hands To Work~
Hearts To God"
$10.50 which includes the shipping
"Button Heart Sampler"
$9.50 which includes the shipping
Now, I have to get busy and get these posted
to my ETSY SHOPPE.  The reprints will be
added by next week.
Hope you like them.  If you don't
shoppe on ETSY,  just let me know.
That is not a problem.
"Many Happy Stitches",

Sunday, January 5, 2014

I'm A Little Late!

Good Evening Everyone!
Cannot believe I haven't posted anything since Dec. 28th,
but still not feeling great from this respiratory thing and the
side effects of antibiotics.  Took the last one last night.
A little worried because I am still coughing some, but 
so looking forward to not having digestive issues.
Really haven't felt like doing much of anything and
that includes designing and that is not a good thing
at all.  Hoping this will be a better week and I will
become creative again.
Regardless of my woes, I want to send each and
every one of you blessings for the New Year.

I hope you will be blessed with 

~a mind free of worry
~days filled with peace and
~a life filled with love and the
company of family and friends
~a heart filled with contentment
 for this winter season, 
I hope you are blessed with warmth!
I hope to have something new
to share with you later this week.
In the mean time, 
stay warm and well.
"Many Happy Stitches",