Happy March! At the beginning of every month I wonder how it's gotten here so quickly, days fly by so quickly now that I'm older. I swear they didn't move this fast ten years ago! Anyway, I've got a bunch of random things to share today. Hope you're having a nice weekend!

After I crocheted the first flower doll, my daughter wanted me to make another so she could give it as a birthday present this weekend. I used different shades of green and pink with this one, I think she turned out as cute as the first. I think it's really awesome that my kids want to give my toys as gifts to their friends, it makes me so happy!

Speaking of birthday presents, my mom's birthday was this week and I crocheted her a pair of fingerless Tardis gloves. She's a Doctor Who fan, so I thought she'd like them. The pattern makes a much longer pair than what I made, I left out a few rows.

I had a really great mail day this week! I bought myself a sock bag from
Chubby Cloud, the fabric was just too cute to pass up! Both sides are so cute. I also bought a little triangle bag, I'm planning on using it more in the summer for quick trips to the park with the kids, I don't always want to lug a big bag with me.

I also bought some yarn from
SpunRightRound after
Amanda posted a link in the
My Sister's Knitter KAL/CAL group on ravelry. I couldn't resist it, it was screaming at me to buy it! The colorway is called Graffiti, I can't wait to knit up another pair of socks with this yarn!

And speaking of socks, I finished my first pair!! They are not even close to perfect but I love them and don't care! I'll share a big post next week with links to everything I used to make these. After knitting this pair, I really feel like I could be on the verge of sock knitting addiction. A slow moving sock knitting addiction but that's okay! Maybe by the end of the year I can have a few pairs knit.