How to Assemble a Crazy Quilt.

Many people ask how to assemble a crazy quilt. This is how I assembled the Diamonds are forever crazy quilt. It is basically how I assemble any large crazy quilt. In this case the blocks are diamond shaped but if my blocks were square it would be the same process. …

A stitch along for crazy quilters

For those who have always loved my ‘Diamonds are forever’ crazy quilt, this year I am proposing a free block of the month stitch-along. A ‘block’ in this case will be 3 diamonds set in the tumbling blocks pattern. In the photo above you can see I have drawn a …

What is a Hussif?

A hussif or huswif is an 18th-century term for a basic sewing kit.  If you look up the word Hussif, you will see it described as an alternative form of ‘housewife’ which originally meant a sewing-case. Traditional hussifs were a long strip of fabric 6 to 8 inches wide, with …

Free ebook of Vintage Crazy Quilt Embroidery Patterns

In 1884 Mary Haehnlen wrote  A Book of Fancy Designs for Ornamenting Oriental Work. It’s a little gem because it is full of vintage Crazy Quilt embroidery patterns. I bet she never thought that over a century later, women from all over the globe would be interested in it. To …

Stitchers Templates

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Stitchers Templates Set 3 are designed with floral designs in mind. You can create hundreds of floral patterns using these petal, leaf, and stem shapes to embroider or use on your crazy quilting projects. There are four templates in the set. They are easy to use, and totally clear to …

Crazy Quilt Block 77 on the I Dropped the Button Box Quilt

I am sharing Crazy Quilt Block 77 on my I Dropped the Button Box quilt which looks a bit dull taken out of context however it fits the set of the quilt.  This block is part of a diagonal line that runs across the quilt. It is an example of …

Crazy Quilt Block 76 on the I Dropped the Button Box Quilt

 Crazy Quilt Block 76 comes from a quilt called  I dropped the button box quilt, which you can see on the left. (If you click on the image of the quilt you will see a larger photograph of it.) I have diagramed the pattern and written an article on each block. With …