2020 crazy quilt block 11

2020 crazy quilt block 11

2020 crazy quilt block 11My next block for the  2020 challenge is done!   As you can see, I had fun with 2020 crazy quilt block 11.

This was my starting point for the 2020 crazy quilt block 11. As I have said before, I have noticed that beginners often worry over the look of an unembellished crazy quilt block. Many blocks start out looking distinctly dodgy. The thing you learn, however, is that by the time a block is embroidered and embellished, it looks totally different.

2020 crazy quilt block 11 unembellishedEvery time I share one of these blocks, I also share a photo of the unembellished block so that beginners don’t feel so worried about the block they produce. Stitching adds another layer of visual interest and can often pull a block together while embellishing. So, if you are new to crazy quilting, don’t fret too much about how you begin. Just keep on stitching!

2020 crazy quilt block 11 patternFeel free to use the basic pattern of my 2020 challenge Block 11 if it appeals to you. My hexagons have 4-inch sides and measure 8 inches across from point-to-point, but you can use this pattern for other sized hexagons too.


Details on my 2020 crazy quilt block 11

Before I discuss the embellishments, embroidery and details on 2020 crazy quilt block 11, remember that the aim of the 2020 challenge is to use 2,020 different items on a quilt by the END of the year 2020. (I emphasise END because some people feel they don’t have time to do it – this is a big hint … you do!)  Items that are the same can be used twice on the quilt but must only be counted once. A counted  ‘item’ can be material, an object (such as buttons beads etc), an embroidery technique (thread painting, Brazilian embroidery, ribbon embroidery etc) or a type of stitch.

2020 crazy quilt block 11 detail 1The first photograph highlights a small button cluster set beside the seam, which is covered with a patterned ribbon. I worked herringbone stitch alongside the ribbon using a rayon thread. On the ribbon itself, I worked straight stitches using a green metallic thread. Here you can also see whipped back stitch above a line of buttonhole stitch.

2020 crazy quilt block 11 detail 2On this side of the block, I couched a thicker mauve pink thread that attracted me because it has little silver metallic highlights in it. I also scattered a good few butterflies about. The little organic leaf motifs are stitched in silk ribbon and the same green metallic thread used on the other side of the block. The lace flowers have a dome shaped bead in the middle.

2020 crazy quilt block 11 detail 3The last detail is a seam which I covered with a hand dyed lace. Using my templates I marked the scallops and stitched them in stem stitch using a hand dyed cotton perle #8.

What is the count on 2020 challenge block 11?

Seed beads, bugle beads, and regular perle #8 and perle #5 thread is not counted.

  • Fabrics: 6
  • Lace ribbon and braids: 3
  • Lace motifs: 3
  • Buttons 4:
  • Beads 1: half cup metal beads
  • Charms: 7
  • Threads: 8 Caron watercolour 199, hand dyed #8 cotton Perle, green metallic, Pale blue rayon, couched mauve cotton with silver metalic, mid blue rayon, pale green silk ribbon, Pale blue metalic braid
  • Stitches: 3 Herringbone stitch, Crossed buttonhole, Whipped back stitch

Total 35 items on my 2020 challenge block 11

2020 challenge block 11 bring the total of items used to date to 302!

A useful printable resource for everyone!

I get many questions about managing and tracking the count of items, as it’s a bit of a task in this challenge to keep track of what you use. I have some wonderful news about a shared resource that helps with this!

Janis Stoker of Journeys With Janis has incorporated all the suggestions I made for things you might count in the challenge and has created a PDF printable to help you keep track of what you use! Janis has generously offered to share it and share it with you all! If you can use it for the challenge please do so – you can download this printable here. No strings attached – no email required or anything like that. I would like to thank Janis for making this handy tracking sheet available to the community.

I hope you have enjoyed reading about my 2020 challenge Block 11.  If you want to see my other blocks you can find them under the 2020 Crazy Quilt Category. To find out more about the challenge, you will find the guidelines and list of resources here 

Close detail of thread twisties

Thread Twisties!

Experimenting with different threads can be expensive, as you would normally have to buy a whole skein of each type of thread. So I have made up my thread twisties which are a combination of different threads to use in creative hand embroidery. These enable you to try out stitching with something other than stranded cotton. For the price of just a few skeins, you can experiment with a bundle of threads of luscious colours and many different textures.

These are creative embroiders threads. With them, I hope to encourage you to experiment. Each Twistie is a thread bundle containing silk, cotton, rayon and wool. Threads range from extra fine (the same thickness as 1 strand of embroidery floss) to chunky couchable textured yarns. All threads have a soft and manageable drape so that twisting them around a needle makes experimental hand embroidery an interesting journey rather than a battle.  Many are hand dyed by me. All are threads I use. You may find a similar thread twist but no two are identical.

You will find my thread twisties in the Pintangle shop here.


  1. I was wondering if you finished this series? I’ve been unable to find any more blocks after this one

    1. I am still doing it and will be working them through to the end of 2020 as it is for a 2020 quilt – so I guess this is a stay tuned reply

  2. I haven’t been able to find the 12th block did you do one? I am loving the series

  3. You do such stunning work! This is beautiful.

    1. Thanks Rene – I am pleased you like it

    2. Just found this series and I am just beginning a class on crazy quilting this weekend—Good information —thank you so much—am really looking forward to learning more about the process

      1. Thanks Joy I am pleased you like the site.

  4. Hi Sharon
    I have been doing blocks for the 2020 challenge over the last few months and now I have worked about ten hexagon blocks. I have worked hiw to put my work on a blog on wordpress and will let you know the blog address. Where can I see the latest quilt blocks ? I can only view up to block 11 and I am not sure if I have started too late, I will carry on regardless.

    1. Hi Valerie – You have not started too late as the 2020 challenge goes until the end of 2020. I have only done those 11 so far. I will be working more on them but at the moment I am working on another book so have been focused on that. But I know I have to get a wriggle on!

  5. Sharon you are such an inspiration. Thank you so much for sharing all this information, photos and blocks. As an absolute beginner to crazy quilting I love seeing the transformation of a block/hexagon to the finished article. Yours are wonderful!

    June Neal
    1. Thanks June I am so pleased you find the info I share useful

  6. hi Sharon, your block is lovely as usual. I’ve had a bit of a break off mine over the holidays, but back up and rarin’ to go again. Thanks also to Janis for her great ideas to keep track of the blocks. I use spreadsheets and find them very useful. Best wishes for a happy healthy and successful 2019. Cheers Joan

    joan Flynn
  7. Gorgeous Block Sharon! I particularly love how and where you couched the pink and metallic blend thread. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Sharon, each of your hexagons are beautiful! I can stare at them and each time, learn something new. Thank you! I am about ready to back and face my hexagons. I read somewhere about using Pellon iron-on batting and then the backing. Is this something you do? Also, may I ask what kind of fabric you use for the backing/facing?
    Thanks again. I really appreciate all you do!

    Eddi Miglavs
    1. Hi Eddi I don’t use iron on backing for these – no need. I do have a bit of light batting and the fabric i use for the bac ( ie the black) is simple homespun cotton. Hope this helps

    2. Hi Eddi – I use a light batting in the hexies and back- that is the black material with homespun cotton. I stitch the block on an foundation cloth of an old sheet. The stitch the block to a light scrim/cheese cloth as I stitch through the block and the foundation of the block and I dont like to have to stitch through thick material. I do this so I can get the block on a hoop. That is personal preference. There are no hard and fast rules

  9. I am soooo looking forward to my thread twisted! Great idea. I am fairly new to hand embroidery but very familiar with wool, cotton, linen and silk fabrics as I dye fabrics.

    Thank you for your suggestions and instructions.


    1. Janine – I am sure you will enjoy them


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