2020 crazy quilt block 6

This is my block 6 in the 2020 Challenge. Finished and bound, this hexagon has 4-inch sides and is 8 inches across from point-to-point. For those readers who have not yet come across the 2020 challenge, the aim is to stitch a crazy quilt using 2,020 different items to mark the year …

Persian Border Couching tutorial

Persian Border Couching is an interesting couching stitch, that could be used on the edges of items or simply worked row upon row to build up a fill pattern. Despite the name, I am not sure this stitch is actually from “Persia” or Iraq and Iran but that is how …

What hand embroidery supplies do I need?

What hand embroidery supplies do you need to start stitching? I’m often asked this, and, with TAST (Take a stitch Tuesday) restarting next year, there are loads of new people signing up, joining the Facebook group and getting themselves organised. So I thought I would share some of my personal …