Work in Progress

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Work in Progress

I am doing a little jig around the kitchen because I have another work in progress report. Since I did not expect to be able to get much stitching done I am a happy old chook waving two more Diamond quilt blocks around.

As usual click on the images and it will take you to a larger version. Once on that page if you click on the magnify icon in the top right hand area of the picture section, it will often take you to a larger image again.

Both Blocks are dark. As you can see the first has many farago roses

This is the second block of the week

I thought people might like to see a close up. As you can see all stitches are basic and any beginner could work all of these.

The back story

If you are interested in the back story of this quilt and seeing photos of each block as it was made browse the posts  in the Diamond block crazy quilt category

Posts on How to assemble a Crazy Quilt which include;

Online Crazy Quilting Classes:

Just a quick reminder for those who are interested in taking a class with me. You will find all my classes listed under the top tab imaginatively titled Classes online you will also find information on how online classes are run.




  1. Great blocks. I love the Fargo rose treatment.

  2. Hi Sharon!

    Nice work. I do like the color combinations here. I really like the way the base stitch in creme and the roses stand out against the fabric.

    A couple questions…What stitch are you using for the creme base stitch? It looks like a stem stich with Vs worked in.

    And, something I’ve been meaning to ask for a while…do you actually use these quilts, like on a bed. Or are these look-only?


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