CQMag Online

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In between the hectic activity of the Cqers get together this weekend I have been meaning to announce that I have become a staff member of CQMag Online . So expect the odd article from me over there. If you are a crazy quilter and have not discovered this online …

Fabric postcard for September

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Yesterday afternoon I finished the fiber postcard for the 6 x 4 lives challenge. As I said last week is more a design exercise than anything else. It is also an excuse to experiment a little with the sequin waste. I went a bit over board on the beading perhaps …

A dash of inspiration over my morning coffee.

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Well I have been browsing around and thought I would share with you a dash of my morning inspiration and track how the ideas developed. I started off at Loretta Holzberger’s site Dimensional Embroidery which hosts her designs and a number of tutorials online. On Loretta Holzberger’s site there are …

100 details for 100 days Day 100

  With this post the sample for day 100 is the last in The 100 details over 100 Days for Crazy Quilters. Since this is the finish line today we have a detail that is a little different. It feels like an end of an era! This is a small …

A useful sort of smiley

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Artnatomy is an online resource designed to aid teaching the anatomical foundation of facial expressions. This is reference tool would be ideal for anyone interested in creating portraits. Superimposed on a skull is facial muscles. By working through a number of facial expressions you can see what muscles are used.

100 details for 100 days Day 99

With this being the second last day in this series I thought I would feature a detail that is a bit different. What you are looking at is a piece of lace which has had the negative area of the pattern picked out in French knots. The threads used are …

100 details for 100 days Day 98

For Day 98 we have another cluster of buttons which has been stitched at the edge of a doily. On this detail two seams can be seen. The first seam runs diagonally to the top of the photo. This seam embellishment is made up of sheaf stitch. Running diagonally towards the …