Faithful readers, it has been far too long since our last design team call. That’s what happens when we have such loyal designers who rock the casbah. Would you care to join our humble team? Read on…
Gauche Alchemy, purveyor of original vintage ephemera and delightful found object for mixed media and paper arts, is looking for FIVE team members. We are revamping our design team and game plan, and we’ll be showing our new and improved face to the world in September 2011. This call runs from now until Tuesday, July 5, 2011. We are looking for:
2 designers – create mixed media masterpieces, cards, art journals, scrapbook pages, and home décor with our gorgeous and quirky kits. You will be required to create at least one project per week (or average 4 per month if there’s a week where you will not be available to tend to your duties). We will keep you flush with goodies to help you do just that. This is a 6-month position with possible extension.
2 writers – writing should be as much (or more!) your passion as creating projects. We are looking for people who are committed to writing the best darn blog posts on the ‘net, incorporating content from designers’ projects (including your own) to trolling the web for eye candy and inspriation. We’d like your thoughts on art, life, and everything. You should know your way around a blog and know how to link things up. We use WordPress.com – if you are familiar with this platform, that’s a bonus (not a requirement). Each writer will be responsible for one newsletter article per month and approximately 6 blog posts per month. You will be asked to work ahead and have posts scheduled ahead of time. We will keep you flush with goodies from our stash, and you may design to your hearts’ content (we encourage it!) but you will not have specific deadlines for projects. This is a 12-month position with possible extension.
1 video tutorial master – if you like to create video how-to’s on all things arty and crafty, this is the job for you. We’d like at least one video tutorial per month, which will be posted to our YouTube channel and distributed across the web in a variety of locations. You should know how to work a camera and do some simple editing (to add our website address to the frame, for example). You don’t have to be a professional – but the videos need to be clear and concise (5-10 minutes at most). You will be kept flush with goodies to inspire your creations, and you will occasionally be assigned tutorial topics that we’d like covered. This is a 12-month position with possible extension.
To apply, send the following to MyMuse@gauchealchemy.com by midnight Mountain Standard Time on Tuesday, July 5 with the phrase “Summer 2011 DT call” in the subject line (IMPORTANT – if the phrase is not in the subject line, your application might be overlooked!).
All applicants:
Your blog address (URL)
Other design team obligations currently or in the near future
Why you’d like to work with us
Which products in our shop inspire you the most
Your favorite type of project
Why you consider yourself a snarky, irreverent artist with attitude – or alternately, just show us in your application that you ARE a snarky, irreverent artist with attitude.
For writer applications, a sample of your writing (blog posts will suffice – but give us specific posts you’d like us to look at – you can list 2 or 3)
For designer applications, 3-5 projects – photos and descriptions. Try to include as much variety as you can. For example, if you art journal, paint, and scrapbook, include some of each.
For video applications, a 1-2 minute video (upload it to YouTube or similar video service online and give us the link). Use this as an opportunity to show us your style. You may appear in the video personally or do voice over or even just do brief written instructions on screen – whatever works for you and showcases you best. Show us your idea of a good tutorial. It need not be art-related. Show us how to fry an egg – whatever you like, but make it fun and interesting!
Okay, off you go! Give 'er your best shot!