Wow... Three awards in the last little while! Thanks, chickies!
I received this one - my very first one! - on March 27 from Crystal at Sweet Teetle... Sorry it's taken so long to post this, Crystal!
This is also my second one, from Nicole at Canadian Nickel Scrap'n, received on April 12 (I'm not too behind on this one! LOL)...
Apparently I'm supposed to tell you 10 things about me, and then pass this on to 10 other bloggers... so, here goes:
1) I'm married to my best friend who just so happens to be the hottest guy on the planet... move over, Brad!
2) I'm on the Bombshell Stamps design team - my very first DT ever!
3) I used to teach at Scrapbooking at Shelley's in Brandon, MB.
4) I lived in Mobile, Alabama for two years.
5) I'm very much a Virgo, and will be turning 25 this September 16th.
6) Speaking of my birthday, I've never met anyone that shares my day.
7) Prior to mommy-hood, I enjoyed showing the world just how punky I really was; now I couldn't be bothered to wear anything other than jeans & tshirts. (Still punky on the inside, though!)
8) I have two little girls, Emily (5.5) and Lily (10.5 months). Emily was born shortly after I turned 19, and Lily made her appearance when I was 23.
9) I recently made the Gauche Alchemy design team; in fact, if you head over there and check out Tuesday's post, you can see some pictures of my sexy man and my silly girls.
10) My big brother is 11 years older than me and my little sister is 10 years younger than me.... which means, depending on which set of parents you're reffering to, I'm the oldest, the youngest, and an only child.
And.... let's send this off to some of the other Bombshells:
1) Kathi R
2) Nicole M
4) Terra O
5) Kas Mello
6) Mary G
7) Erika T
8) Cheryl V
9) Rose M
10) Gabby A <--Once a Bombshell, always a Bombshell!
This one came from the sweet, sweet Cheryl - I seriously {heart} this woman. Apparently this one is to be passed on to 12 others...
1) Amy W
4) Andrea D
5) Angela P
6) Yvonne Y
7) Sunghee
8) Sheena B
9) Tanya R
10) Rinne
11) Amy Y
12) Randi W
There... I think that covers it.
Thanks again, girlies!!!!!