This past Christmas has to be considered the worst Christmas of my life. I was snowed in for a week with my DH...whom I love, but too much togetherness is not necessarily a good thing! Once the snow started falling last week, I knew we were doomed to have a very "close" Christmas. This is what John looked like out in the snow up past his you can see...2 of our cars were buried in the snow and the 2nd picture is my car..Off and on during the week, we lost power in our house...the last time on Christmas day about Noon, until 6pm on the 26th. We nearly froze in our house. It is all electric by the way. We finally were able to get out, with the help of our neighbor, so that we could go to town and get a hot meal. We may be able to dig out DH's car this afternoon. I was able to come to work today...I am supposed to be on vacation, but I wasn't able to finish up my week at work last week, so here I am. I am glad for this year, that Christmas is over and I can forget it ever happened!!!
Happy New Year,