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Showing posts with the label winner

Who Says?

Simon says “wiggle your toes!”  Simon says “raise your left hand!”  Put your hands on your head!  A-ha!  Simon didn’t say to put your hands on your head.  You lose. We played Simon Says with the little ones on our weekend family reunion at the Hampton.  It cracked me up to watch little two-year old Amy follow every command whether Simon said it or not.  Her big sister would point and yell Amy, don’t do it unless Simon says!   And lil Amy would clap her hands and giggle in glee showing us all her teeth.  You know why?  Amy didn’t realize she was the loser in the game; she saw herself as the winner. A devotional arrived in my email today.  “Look around you and you will learn an important life lesson from a child,” the writer declared. This doesn’t pertain to me since I’m not in the company of little kids, I thought.  But the Holy Spirit reminded me about playing with Amy and observing a winner reaction t...