Showing posts with label BlueJean Primitives. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BlueJean Primitives. Show all posts

Saturday, June 7, 2008

The ABC Tag!

Jean of Blue Jean Primitives was so KIND(hahaha) to tag me with this latest Tag Game;o)...

It's called the ABC TAG game.... Here's what I have to do: Fill in the ABC's below; tag 3 people and post their names; leave them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read my blog. So here it goes....

A -Attached or single: Attached

B- Best Friend: my hubby and my mom

D-Day: my favorite day is any day that I get to work from home

E- Essential Item: my make-up bag

F- Favorite Color: Black

G-Gummi Bears or Worms: Neither, I find them to be GROSS!! UGH

H-Home town: Pittsburgh, PA

I- Indulgences: Nachos

J- January or July?: July...sun, sun, sun:o)

K-Kids: 1-a mouthy 8 year old alien...seems to be male

L-Life is incomplete without: my family

M- Marriage Date: May 23, 1992

N- Number of Siblings: 2...I'm the baby

O- Oranges or Apples: I like both of them

P- Phobias or Fears: fear of losing my debit card...and forgetting to lock the door..

Q- Quote: "Those (toys, clothes, shoes, ect.) are not going to pick up themselves" Lorraine G.

R- Reason To Smile: I am lucky to be able to only work part-time out of the home.

S- Season: I like all the seasons...I just hate driving in snow...

T- Tag Three: I'm not going there..LOL...If ya wanna play..please do and let me know..

U- Unknown fact about me: I can't think of anything..I've probably already disclosed it on an earlier posting..

V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals: Sorry, can't eat just all veggies...

W- Worst Habit: forgetting to turn off the lights when I leave the room..

Y-Your favorite food: Spaghetti and Meatballs

Z: Zodiac Sign: Aries

Well, that's all...feel free to play along!!:o)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

A Perfect Mother's Day Gift


I just love this set..a mother and her good boy:o)...this duo is on Ebay this week..
Click Here to see all my offerings!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

A Night For Awards!!


Here's my son..I am so proud of him...he won FIRST PLACE in the experimental category for second grade at his school!! WooHOO!! Doing the Science Fair is about learning, but it is sure a thrill when you win!!:o)

I also won an award!!! Mo of Wings and Paws Primitives has given me an award...she says I give her inspiration and happiness..Thank you, Mo!! Right back at ya!!

I bestow this award to every one of my friends..all of these blogs inspire me and make me happy...please visit them under my Friends Blogs!

Hey, who knew growing mold would pay off???LOL

Click Here to see my latest Ebay offerings!

Monday, February 25, 2008

I'm Weird???

My lovely friend Jean of BlueJean Primitives has tagged me to name 5 weird things about myself...well, I had mentioned weird things in my random things list...but I guess I can come up with 5 more..
1. There have been a few times when I have had to turn around at the end of the street to go home to make sure I un-plugged my curling iron...shut off the stove...locked the door...Can you say CRAZY???
2.I know I mentioned this before, but I did have imaginary friends when I was little..
3.When I come down the steps, I need to always go to the LEFT..I just can't go husband thinks I'm a freak...
4.I always wear, I'm not goth..I'm not that cool, but I like wearing black...99% of my wardrobe is black..
5.I hate creamed corn...when we were kids, my sister flicked some at me during Thanksgiving dinner and I puked...GROSS

now..the fun part...I'm tagging:

BJ of Daughternature Folk Art she's new to blogging, this will give her a good blog subject..LOL!

Barb of Thimblefolk..Barb is too quiet..she needs to talk more:o)!

Tammie and Paula of the Primitive Sisters...they should be able to come up with some weird things between the two of them...

Lana of Honeysuckle Lane..Lana is so good and sweet, but let's see what weird things she has to tell us!!

and Jackie of TFC Folk ArtI want to hear some weird things about Jackie!

Here's my new dollie on Ebay:

Click Here to see what I got up right now..

My Lemon Poppy Seeds and Ranting Raven page will be updated for the 1rst...stay tuned!!