Pictures from 2003

Some hikes in the local Bay Are: A hike at Anderson Resorvoir (2/2) [6 pictures];
a hike by the Baylands of Mountain View (2/8) [5 pictures].

Per took some pictuers at the Gcc Summit (5/24-27) [12 pictures].
Afterwards, to took a walk around Ottawa (5/28) [? pictures].

Nathan went to the Felts family re-union in Tyler, Texas (5/31-6/1) [? pictures].
He also took many pictures of the road home from Texas (6/2-4).

We marched in the San Francisco Gay Pride parade with a bonus Dore Alley picture (6/29, 7/27) [16+1 pictures].

We went to the IAGSDC square dance convention in San Diego (7/5) [6 pictures], including the Fun Badge Harbor Cruise (7/5) [10 pictures], and the Munchkin (short people) tip (7/5) [9 pictures].

We flew to Vancouver (10/3) [13 pictures] for the A&C fly-in.
While there Nathan and Per got married in a double ceremony (10/3) [18 pictures] with Peter and Jim.

Trips to Nelson Cove in January (1/19) [32 pictures];
in February (2/17-18) [15 pictures];
in mid-March with Peter (3/11) [11 pictures].
in late March (3/30-31) [13 pictures].
in April with Jim and Peter (4/9-10) [30+6 pictures];
in mid-May with Jim and Peter (5/13-15) [14 pictures];
Tom took these pictures in late May of mostly flowers (5/23-24) [51 pictures].
Two trips in June (6/7-8, 6/18) [12+3 pictures];
one in August (8/7-8) [19 pictures];
in September (9/02) [13 pictures];
in December (12/27-28) [23 pictures].
Also pictures from a possible home site at base of small hill (3/11) [13 pictures].

Last modified: Thu Mar 4 12:50:20 PST 2004