Sunday, March 17, 2013

March Card Kitchen, Part 2

Happy Sunday ... here are the rest of the cards I made with the lovely March Card Kitchen kit, available HERE.

So Thankful

Pretty, Funny, Sweet, Silly Girl

Love You

You Are Amazing

This kit was really fun! I loved using all the different elements this month - word stickers, banner bites, mini journaling cards - to come up with different card sentiments.

If you're a kit subscriber, I'd love to see your creations! Leave a link in the comments :)

Hope you have a great ending to your weekend! My oldest's all-star basketball team plays in a tournament championship today, and then I'm headed to my first-ever live hockey game, Washington vs. Buffalo. I'm excited about the hockey game, but even more excited to see one of my best friends from college, who I haven't seen in at least ten years. She's the kind of friend where it doesn't matter how much time has passed, we just pick up wherever we left off, as if not a single day has passed. The best kind of friend, don't you think?

Friday, March 15, 2013

March Card Kitchen, Part 1

My dear, ol' blog is getting dusty, and that makes me a little sad. One thing that's been reinforced these last couple of months is that I *need* a creative outlet or one sort or another. So, though I haven't been papercrafting nearly as much, I have turned my attention to my home, which, honestly, could really use some updates and re-styling. Here's the thing: as far as creative outlets, it takes a whole lot more time and money to redecorate a house than to make a card, there's a whole lot less room for error in home decorating (or maybe I should just say errors are a lot more costly), and I'm a whole lot better at making cards than styling a home! (Especially when I just put all my spare change and then some into a hole in the ground. Literally. Our backyard pool project began two weeks ago. Which I'm *super* excited about! But which leaves precious little left for redecorating.)

Another thing I tend to sink my creative teeth into off and on is cooking. So I've been doing a little more of that these last few months, too, and here's what I've noted: A) I'm a lot happier making cards than I am making meals; and B) my blog readers have *never* commented, "Can I just have a bowl of cereal instead?" (I dare ya!)

So, yea, all of this to say that my paper-crafty break, although welcome, has also been frustrating.  And therefore, the grass in my craft room is looking mighty green. Stay tuned ....

I don't usually like to mix too much personal with "business," but since it's been so long, I thought an update was in order. And yet, I do still want to share the first half of the  Jillibean Soup March Card Kitchen kit too. These little monthly kits have been papercrafting oases during this dry spell. I love them!! A few weeks ago, I went to an all-day crop fundraiser. This kit, plus a shoebox of tools, was all I packed. It's definitely the way to do it!

Here's the kit:

And here are four of the eight cards I made:

Hello Friend

Life is Good With You Around

It All Began With a Boy & Girl

Life is Wonderful

For more info on the Card Kitchen kits, click HERE.

Until next time ...


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