Wednesday, April 9, 2008


So how embarrassed was I to bump into a friend of mine yesterday at my daughter's dance class and learn that her new baby boy is already FOUR weeks old?! Have I taken her family a meal? No. Have I offered her the overflow from the sunshine basket our MOMS Club provided me almost a whole year ago? No. Have I sent a card? No. Shame on me. This one's for Mary and Thomas (waving hi to Mary)!

Enabler alert: Verve Visual has the new 6x6 Basic Grey paper packs in stock. I was so happy to see them in the store yesterday that I bought a fewza. That's my new word, by the way. Kind of like "wowza" means a little more than just a plain "wow."

Last, I've been awarded a few (fewza?) times in the last couple of weeks, and I've not been the best at keeping up with it. Thank you Kim at Inkey Pingers, Chat at Me, My Stamps & I, Sarah at My Scrapbook Table, and Savitri at Scrapin' and Stampin' with Savitri, who have each nominated me for the Arte Y Pico award, which is for creativity, design, interesting material, and contribution to the blogging community.

And thank you Cheryl, aka mochamama, at God and I on the Railroad Tracks, who has given me the "You Make My Day" award, which is for bringing happiness and inspiration to blogland.

I'm honored. Very much so. Please forgive me, though, if I opt out of the passing on part this time. Know that you all make my day over and over again! And there's so much talent out there I can't pick just five, kwim?

Stamps: Nursery Necessities
Paper: Bashful Blue, Whisper White, Certainly Celery Prints
Ink: Certainly Celery, Bashful Blue, Barely Banana, Basic Black
Accessories: black gingham ribbon, large star punch, styled silver hodgepodge hardware, sponge daubers, dimensionals.
Size: 4 1/4" square


Amy said...

This is so darling!!! I love this card!

Melissa said...

Holy moly - this is fabulous!

Many Blessings,

Diane Gilbert said...

How adorable!!! This is sooo sweet Amy!

Oh, by the way I am giving you a couple awards. The "You Make My Day" award and the 'Arte' Y Pico' award. You are so inspiring girl!!!

Alhambra Club said...

this is so great, love the colors you used and those papers are wonderful.

Jessie/knightrone said...

Well this oughta make up for it!! Wowza!!! Definietly one for the baby book!!

jjcreations said...

Oh my goodness.. this is wonderful. Joan

Jennifer Meyer said...

You are too funny Amy, your girlfriend is going to LOVE this card. The detail is just beautiful. Jennifer :)

Sandra Smart said...

This card is so very cute! She will love it so much that it will not matter that it was a little late.

Stephanie Hargis said...

What an adorable card Amy! I love it! Who care's if it's late, it's so cute she won't care one bit because once she sees the card she will forget all about it!! :D Hehe! Love your work girl!

Libby Hickson said...

LOVE this card, so cute!!

Anonymous said...

You are so deserving of all your awards and this card just proves it. Love it, your friend will definately say it was worth the wait!

SeattleStamper said...

THis is amazing. I love your placement of the star brads.

Jackie Pedro said...

This card is darling, Amy! Love the panel with the moon and stars!!

Marlou McAlees said...

this is a beautiful card, really sweet :)

Kira said...

Such a wonderful baby card. Soft, subtle, and very visual! TFS!

Charmaine (CharmWarm) said...

This is adorable, Amy!

marcyh said...

Love it Amy...makes me want to have another baby ;-)

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