Sharyl specializes in metal components, while Shirley does wonders with seed beads. These ladies combined their pieces into a kit and invited their readers to play along.
Of course, I didn't think to take pictures when I received my components.
The beaded component I received was the "d" shaped one in the top left of Sharyl's photo.
The metal components I received were the dark copper circles in the top left of Sharyl's photo.
Sharyl also sent a clasp component that I'll show you below.
I'll be honest. I had no idea what to do with these components. I knew I wanted to use them all in one piece, but wasn't sure where to even start.
The copper circles were slightly domed. I put them back to back and wondered if I could attach them somehow. Then it hit me -- I could bezel them.
I chose colors that complimented Shirley's component.
The pendant is reversible. Unfortunately, I didn't take full advantange and use different colors on the front and back. I will next time, though. :)
After a while of staring at the pendant, I came up with the idea to connect it to Shirley's component.
The beads I used don't quite match, but it's hard to tell.
I *loved* the completed pendant and really wanted to showcase it, so I made a simple chain of half persian 4 in 1 to complete the necklace.
You may not be able to tell, but I changed the way the chain attaches. In the close up above, the chain attached at the sides of the pendant. In the photo above, it attaches at the middle. I like the second way better.
I used the other of Sharyl's components as part of the clasp. I created the hook on the right side and was able to slide it into the middle of Sharyl's component on the left.
I love the way this turned out and will be calling on Sharyl for more of her domed circles. I can see several of these in the future.
Sharyl and Shirley, thank you so much for the components and the challenge. I had fun and am so happy with how it turned out!
Please take some time to visit the rest of the participants.
Sharyl McMillian-Nelson -- Sharyl's Jewelry & Reflections (*Co-Host)
Shirley Moore -- Beads and Bread (*Co-Host)
Candy Wham -- (Participant posting on Sharyl's blog)
Angi Mullis -- (Participant posting on Sharyl's blog)
Laren Dee Barton -- Laren Dee Designs
Beti Horvath -- Stringing Fool
Tanya Goodwin -- A Work in Progress - you are here
Marybeth Rich -- Forest of Jewels
Amy Severino -- AmyBeads
Carolyn's Creations -- Carolyn's Creations
Toltec Jewels -- Jewel School Friends