Showing posts with label Finnish artists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Finnish artists. Show all posts

Friday, September 11, 2009

Randy Barracuda: New Album and Video

Randy Barracuda: 'Ketamine Strut' [official video] (Animation, design and editing by David Giese.)

Randy Barracuda of Imatran Voima has his first solo album of electro-funk and skweee out now on Flogsta Danshall. You can listen to some its tracks on the MySpace pages of Randy Barracuda and Flogsta Danshall.

Artist: Randy Barracuda
Title: Randy Barracuda
Format: LP FDLP2
Label: Flogsta Danshall (Sweden)
Date: 9 September 2009


A1. Tähtien Lapsi (1:52)
A2. Skweee Like A Pig (3:34)
A3. Hungry For Another Touch (4:03)
A4. Overnight Romancin (5:28)
B1. Ketamine Strut (5:09)
B2. Duck Butter (3:25)
B3. I Am Coming (3:03)
B4. Love Axe/Heavy Metal (5:27)

Credits: Bass - Eero Johannes (tracks: A4)
Cz-101 - SLA (2) (tracks: B1, B4)
Marsh Uds Electronic Percussion - Pavan (tracks: B3)
Michael Black Electro appears on A3 and B4.
Mama Africa and The Afro B. Logic Singers appear on B3.

Notes: Mastered by Pete Salone at Silencio. Mixed by Imatran Voima. To Linda with love. © 2009 Flogsta Danshall - Pyrkimys Menestykseen.

  • Entry at Discogs.
  • Wednesday, July 15, 2009

    Juhannus 3000 by Mallisto

    U P C O M I N G !
    ** ** ** ** ** ** **

    Erikoisdance 13
    Artist: Mallisto
    Release: "Juhannus 3008" (CDr)

    Release date: August 2009
    Running time: 18+ minutes
    File under: electronics, ambient synth folk, psychedelia, pop, home recording

    Mallisto, founded in Helsinki by Christer Nuutinen (kb/v) and Jukka Vallisto (bg) in the mid-nineties, was active off and on for several years with slightly varying lineups, Nuutinen and Jenni Rope (kb/v) being present in most of the incarnations. Either as a duo or with Vallisto, and later with Ilja Karsikas on guitar.

    A year or so of semi-active live playing (at events ranging from ordinary club gigs to art show openings and private house warming parties in tiny student flats) gradually saw the bands output evolve from childish instrumental electro pop to a peculiar lofi sound, mixing synth pop and psychedelia. The only recording to enter the public sphere during Mallisto's active phase was the self-released EP Polku, performed and produced in 2000 by Nuutinen and Rope as a duo.

    Quite sadly, as the band continued to further refine its trademark sound — finally matured into their very own specific blend of Lofi Ambient Folk Pop — their active phase also seemed to slowly but firmly grind to a halt. Today, not even the members of Mallisto themselves are sure if the group still exists.

    Juhannus 3008 compiles 5 tracks, originally recorded in separate sessions, during a timespan of almost 15 years, but still managing to sum up as one solid body of work.

    Here a charming array of old electric pianos, organs and beautiful analog synths are paired with frail lullaby vocals and the occasional hand picked guitar to a most enchanting effect. Melodies — melancholic, warm and inviting — hover mid-air, gently held afloat in the almost invisible, ethereal embrace of buzzing oscillators, reversed tape loops and a strange kind of audible silence. The bands instantly recognisable sound is simultaneously both rich and humble, intimate and spacious.
    A remix provided by Erikoismies is also included.

    Sound clips:

  • Laulu numero 1
  • Laulu numero 2
  • Juhannus 3008
  • Halkio
  • Syysjami
  • Juhannus 3008 (Erikoismies Bongo Mix)


    Erikoisdance online
  • Wednesday, June 24, 2009

    New Releases from Luovaja

    Finnish CD-R label Luovaja delighted me with three fresh releases from their roster; two of them of Finnish origins, one from Russia.

    Paanpa is the singer–songwriter–multi-instrumentalist Pasi Palonen from Tampere. His home-grown electropop draws comparisons to such Finnish luminaries as Risto and TV-Resistori. Vega Stereo is vintage analogue ambient from the Moscow duo of Alexey and Nastya. Bearly Queen is a one-man ambient project of Heikki Kippola (also known for his Palasokeri prog and Krautrock page) from Oulu. Follow the links to sound samples, further info and how to order.

    Artist: Paanpa
    Title: Ihmisen ja koneen välisestä ystävyydestä
    Format: CD-R, edition of 50 lvjcdr011
    Label: Luovaja (FIN)
    Date: May 2009


    1. Aina kun mä tuun, mä kuolen pikkaisen (3:33)
    2. Sokkarin liukuportaat (3:13)
    3. Robootti (3:18)
    4. Oi, Bianchina! (3:56)
    5. Avaruushissi (3:06)
    6. Rakkauslaulu robootille (3:56)
    7. Kone rokkaa (3:23)
    8. Hei beibi, drillaa mua (3:21)
    9. Tottele minua kone (3:14)

    Total length: 31:20

    Press release notes:

    Sci-fi–lo-fi–indie-synthesizer-pop-rock from the singer–songwriter–multi-instrumentalist Pasi Palonen's (also of Popsicle People) solo project Paanpa. After last year's wonderful demo Mehujääihmisten uneton uni (which can be downloaded here) comes Paanpa's debut album, philosophical comment on the delicate relationship between man and machine.

    Can a machine feel love? Can even a human being feel love? Can a human and a machine ever find each other, romantically? What about an intimate relationship between flesh and cold, cold metal? These are important questions of which no-one has ever written even a doctoral thesis(!).

    As a human being, as a machine of flesh, I've been coded with these biological scripts that cause us to feel crush, hate, the need to touch and be touched, the ability to feel sorrow and even so-called love - these are emotions, electrical phenomena going on in the brain, that man has located and given them names. These are the days of making a consumer product from every basic need man has, so that these needs can be sold for example as part of TV's programme flow or as a sex shop's services (not to mention all those dating sites over the Internet).

    The world we try to perceive every day is after all created by man. Man has also created every machine and every human being of today. Form is discretion, and there is no soul... So, I make a profound question: Is there really a difference between a creature grown in a womb and a machine, built up piece by piece in a factory? These both creations have (in most cases) some sort of an operating system with some sub programs.

    As an individual raised by science fiction literature, I strongly feel the urge to ask, to speculate about the thing called 'reality'. I do not expect getting neutral answers, if any. I also feel that pop music is as good a format to make these questions as a scientific (or a science fiction) publication is.

    I have been honoured to feel a machine kind of love, to be a guinea pig for a sadistic dentist's dark fantasies, to mourn my own loneliness, and between all of this I've been conceiving and amending my own views of this planet, Earth.

    I recorded this record in my bedroom where I also wrote most of the songs. When Jaakob Karhu contacted me about making this CD-R, about half of the songs existed in a form or another. Quickly I understood what it was going to be, even if my songs tend to take a direction of their own and crawl out of my reach. If I believe in something, it is that things tend to work out somehow - may the results be for good or bad. This happened to 'Ihmisen ja koneen välisestä ystävyydestä', too.

    – Pasi Palonen, Tampere in May 2009

    Artist: Vega Stereo
    Title: Quark
    Format: CD-R, limited edition lvjcdr01
    Label: Luovaja (FIN)
    Date: June 2009


    1. Green Beauty
    2. Blue Up
    3. Green Charm
    4. Red Truth
    5. Blue Down
    6. Red Strange
    7. Blue Beauty
    8. Red Down
    9. Green Truth

    Total length: 61:11

    Press release notes:

    Moscow duet VEGA STEREO – Alexey and Nastya

    Long suite of hypnotic ambient landscapes, electronic minimalism and relaxed floating through soft spaces of colors – created with vintage analog synthesizers. The other member of this mysterious Russian duo is also known for his project Analog Concept.

    Artist: Bearly Queen
    Title: Void, Oh The Void
    Format: CD-R, edition of 50 lvjcdr014
    Label: Luovaja (FIN)
    Date: June 2009


    1. Void, Oh The Void

    Total length: 44:14

    Press release notes:

    Even though the title of the previous album may have suggested otherwise BQ hasn't split up. There was some hesitation however if the next album should be something different. After working awhile simultaneously with two different tracks BQ soon realised that these two songs were not ment to be together on the same album. Both needed more space and time. The spacier of the two caught more attension because it had the spirit BQ had been searching for; this could be BQ's Atem? So instead of something different you get more of that familiar slow and dark BQ sound you have learned to love. Better luck next time. Maybe.

    H. K.

  • Official site
  • Thursday, June 04, 2009

    Vladislav Delay's Forthcoming Album, Tummaa

    Vladislav Delay: 'Lumi' (2007, directed by Timothy Jaeger)

    Vladislav Delay (a.k.a. Sasu Ripatti) announces a forthcoming album called Tummaa ("Dark"), out on Leaf, 24 August 2009. Fact magazine (UK) has published a new interview with Ripatti concerning the record.

    Artist: Vladislav Delay
    Title: Tummaa
    Format: CD/ltd.ed. LP/digital download BAY 72CD/BAY 72V/BAY 72E
    Label: Leaf (UK)
    Date: 24 August 2009


    1. A. Melankolia (10:58)
    2. B1. Kuula (Kiitos) (9:02)
    3. C1. Mustelmia (8:13)
    4. D1. Musta Planeetta (5:11)
    5. B2. Toive (11:09)
    6. C2. Tummaa (10:19)
    7. D2. Tunnelivisio (11:16)

  • Album info @ Leaf
  • Tuesday, May 26, 2009

    Matti Inkinen of SIG (1958 - 2009)

    SIG: 'Leijailen' (1985)

    SIG: 'Hyvää syntymäpäivää'

    SIG: 'Sadan vuoden yksinäisyys' (1984)

  • SIG: 'Vuosisadan rakkaustarina' (audio only)

    Matti Inkinen, the vocalist of Finnish electropop band SIG, was found drowned on Monday 25 May, after having disappeared from his home on 29 April 2009. Inkinen, 50, had been recovering from a brain surgery where a tumour was removed, and was allegedly suffering from depression. SIG was at the peak of its popularity in the early 1980s, known for such tunes as 'Tiina menee naimisiin' ("Tiina gets married"), 'Hyvää syntymäpäivää' ("Happy birthday"), 'Sadan vuoden yksinäisyys' ("One hundred years of solitude") and 'Vuosisadan rakkaustarina' ("The love story of the century").

    Links in Finnish:

  • SIG videos @ Yle Elävä Arkisto

  • Helsingin Sanomat
  • Ilta-Sanomat
  • YLE
  • Thursday, April 16, 2009

    Desert Planet: 'Short Circuit HQ' Live

    Desert Planet: 'Short Circuit Hq' (live @ Treibsand Maifest 2008, Lübeck, Germany)

    The beginning of the Desert Planet live gig at Treibsand Maifest 2008, Lübeck, Germany. Shot by Lauri Trillitzsch, Mike von Naomi Sample and the Go-go Ghosts, Mätze von Die Moderne Welt and Bobo von Treibsand. Edited by Tekninen neuvonantaja. Production by Desert Planet in co-operation with Treibsand. Directed by Jukka Tarkiainen, Lauri Trillitzsch and Jari Mikkola. 'Short Circuit HQ' released on the Desert Planet album Moonrocks (9pm Records & Stupido Records).

    Thursday, April 02, 2009

    Villa Nah: VN EP (Keys of Life/Sähkö Recordings)

    Keys of Life, a sublabel of Helsinki's Sähkö Recordings announces a new release by Villa Nah, an electronic duo by of Juho Paalosmaa and Tomi Hyyppä; comparing them to such early-80s synthpop luminaries as Heaven 17 and New Order. Also Jori Hulkkonen lends his production skills. More info at press releases notes @ Sähkö Recordings.

    Artist: Villa Nah
    Title: VN EP
    Format: 12"/CD/digital download
    Label: Keys of Life/Sähkö Recordings (Finland) LIFE-18
    Date: April 2009


    A. Ways To Be
    B1. Envelope
    B2. Daylight


    All songs written & produced by Villa Nah.
    Co-produced by Jori Hulkkonen.
    Mixed by Villa Nah & Jori Hulkkonen @ alppIVhouz, 2009.
    Mastered by Pete Salone @ Silencio.
    Graphic design by Antti Uotila.

    Villa Nah will appear this Satuday at Vanha Yo-Talo (the Old Student House) in Helsinki:

    IHME Club: Op:l Bastards, Villa Nah, Association of Experimental Electronics & DJ Esko Routamaa

    9 p.m. to 4 a.m. on Saturday night, 4 April.

    The club takes place in the Bar of the Old Student House (Helsinki) and features a rare performance from the pioneer of Finnish electronic music, Op:l Bastards - who made an impressive return at the 2007 Flow Festival - as well as the retro-tinged, warm synth electro of the duo Villa Nah. DJ Esko Routamaa will be spinning records during the night.

    In addition to the live music and the DJ, the IHME Club programme includes a visual dimension in the form of a cross-artistic performance executed by the Association of experimental electronics, who create musical machines from electronic junk and walk the tightrope between chaos and order. The IHME Club programme is designed by the artist Tommi Grönlund, the founder of the record label Sähkö Recordings.

    Admission to the IHME Club is free. Tickets are limited - ensure your admission to the club by picking up your tickets beforehand between 30 March and 3 April at the location of Antony Gormley´s Clay and the Collective Body; the Kaisaniemi field, Kaisaniementie street 1-3. Once the IHME Days are underway on Friday, 3 April, tickets can be collected at the information desk of the Old Student House. Two tickets per person.

  • Keys of Life @ pHinnWeb (not updated)
  • Wednesday, March 25, 2009

    Aavikko: Novo Atlantis

    Aavikko: 'The Making of Novo Atlantis' (directed by Peter Connery, 2009)

    Aavikko, the eclectic Finnish electropop-meets-lounge trio of Tomi Kosonen, Paul Staufenbiel and Tomi Leppänen, have the long-awaited fourth album out now.

    Artist: Aavikko
    Title: Novo Atlantis
    Format: CD
    Label: Stupido Records (Finland) TWIN 100
    Date: 25 March 2009


    1. Syntaksis (3:37)
    2. Specto Supernus (4:36)
    3. Computopia (4:29)
    4. Dies Irae Discodelico (4:15)
    5. Hypatia (5:38)
    6. Novo Atlantis I (3:32)
    7. Novo Atlantis II (15:04)

  • Aavikko - official site
  • Aavikko @ Wikipedia
  • Aavikko @ Discogs
  • Monday, March 23, 2009

    TV Off: 'I Mind Now'

    TV Off: 'I Mind Now' (2009)

    TV Off is a Finnish electropop act featuring members Sara and Markku. Check the links for more info.

  • TV Off - official site
  • TV Off @ MySpace
  • Friday, March 13, 2009

    AGF/Delay: Symptoms

    AGF/Delay: 'A Distant View' (off Explode, 2005)

    Vladislav Delay (a.k.a. Sasu Ripatti) has a new album with Antye Greie-Fuchs out now.

    Artist: AGF/Delay
    Title: Symptoms
    Format: CD
    Label: BPitch Control (Germany)
    Date: 9 March 2009


    1 Get Lost (5:10)
    2 Connection (3:57)
    3 Downtown Snow (4:22)
    4 Outbreak (5:30)
    5 Bulletproof (6:25)
    6 Generic (5:46)
    7 Congo Hearts (4:04)
    8 Most Beautiful (4:59)
    9 Symptoms (3:27)
    10 Smileaway (3:39)
    11 Second Life (4:57)
    12 In Cycles (4:03)

    Discogs entry

    Press release notes:

    after telefon tel aviv, it is our pleasure to welcome the next prestigious electronica/ avant-hop duo on bpitch control: agf/delay.

    neither antye greie (agf) nor sasu ripatti (vladislav delay / luomo) require much of an introduction. with their various projects, both have long left an indelible imprint on electronic music.

    besides two agf albums that appeared on her label of the same name (words are missing and dancefloor drachen), antye greie has produced sool, the fourth album from bpitch front woman ellen allien and has also worked on various multimedia art projects in the past year.

    her significant other, sasu ripatti / vladislav delay, also worked on several projects including the release of his fourth luomo album convivial last october, wrote songs with the new york pop band scissor sisters, and played in the moritz von oswald trio alongside moritz von oswald himself.

    it has been four years since the two released their first album, explode, on agf productions. symptoms picks up exactly where explode left off: futuristic pop music with singer-songwriter-gestus and tons of depth.

    symptoms is agf and delay's musical reality check for a world turned upside-down. woven into a fine net from full beats, dubby textures, and tiny digital sound gimmickry, the twelve songs try to come to terms with the level of awareness and the apparently limited possibilities of mankind's development. an album that is both catchy and challenging.

    pop music for the 21st century.

    artist statements:

    a symptom is a departure from normal function or feeling. the new agf/delay record is a symptom check on you. a symptom is subjective.

    " in tv i see floods, people lifted out of trouble, by men with white helmets" (from the song "connection" )

    the planet is crying, it is in pain! agf wrote that song on her trip to the synch festival athens in 2006, where it was +41 celsius outside and impossible to leave the hotel. they had those crazy forest fires there, while watching bbc world showing floods over asia and northern america.

    "... serial killers get all the attention, bubble gum chaos in high schools" (from the song "congo hearts")

    violence is well documented in all media, yet there is a lot of undiscovered and silent violence in bedrooms, backyards and cellars. the human soul seems to be capable of incredible dimensions of cruelty and abuse. where do we humans pull out advice, counsel, directions, instructions, guidelines? from media?

    "pop music makes us sick gives us the creeps, perfect war perfect phone absence of lust" (from the song "downtown snow")

    commercial music channels create impaired hearing. mobile phones soften bones where the mobile is carried (argument by agf).

    " fine prisons to live in, impossible cities to die in, we eat the same shit, we shit the same color" (from the song "outbreak")

    the waste we leave behind is not saying if we are asian, african, white, female or gay. "all around we can witness a loss of purpose and meaning, values, and prospects, and an increased isolation from nature - all very self-destructive tendencies." (quote stanislav grof)

    "i felt paranoid at reception desks, i felt robbed at security checks" (from the song "symptoms")

    agf believes that humans can do better and overcome themselves and the darth vaders of this world, delay is less optimistic (his lyrics show that) but remains open for a change.

    Friday, February 20, 2009

    Risto: 'Putoan kaivossa'

    Risto: 'Putoan kaivossa' (2009, directed by Sami Sänpäkkilä)

    From Risto's forthcoming album Sähköhäiriöön (Fonal Records, FR-63 CD/LP/download). Release date March 4th 2009.

    Directed and written by Sami Sänpäkkilä.

    Music by Risto.

    Actors: Risto Ylihärsilä, Tuomas Eriksson, Minna Kortepuro, Alina Toivanen.
    Make up: Kati Kivijärvi.

    Higher quality version:


    Artist: Risto
    Title: Sähköhäiriöön
    Format: CD/LP FR-63
    Date: 4 March 2009


    1. Sähköhäiriöön
    2. Elävä ihmisjumala
    3. Ihmisen kaltainen
    4. Ilta-aurinko hymyilee
    5. Viikkoja
    6. Onko paha uni nyt päättynyt?
    7. Rokkipojan laulu
    8. Ihmeauto KITT
    9. Hiljaa, hiljaa
    10. Putoan kaivossa

    Total length: 34 minutes

    Album info & soundfiles @ Fonal


    And lest we forget, here's the latest video by another Fonal artist, Eleonoora Rosenholm:

    Eleonoora Rosenholm: 'Ambulanssikuskitar' (2008, directed by Pete Veijalainen)

    Tuesday, February 17, 2009

    Shogun Kunitoki: Vinonaamakasio (Fonal Records)

    Shogun Kunitoki: 'Riddarholmen' (directed by Sami Sänpäkkilä, 2009)

    The analogue electronic act Shogun Kunitoki will release their new album Vinonaamakasio (Fonal Records, FR-62, CD/LP) on 11 March 2009.

    Shokun Kunitoki Strobe Light Kit (soldering guide)

    From Fonal:

    "For those looking for the ultimate psychedelic experience, the Shogun Kunitoki: Vinonaamakasio (FR-62LP) will be available as a picture vinyl LP featuring two animation loops that can be viewed using this magical Shogun Kunitoki strobe light (FR-62SL).

    A true fan will buy the Shogun Kunitoki Strobe Light Kit (FR-62SLK) and build it him/herself. In this video you can see step by step instructions on how to solder the kit together. In addition to the kit you need a 9V battery which is not included in the package.

    Available directly from Shogun Kunitoki website and the Fonal Records shop upon the release date 11.3.2009."

    Artist: Shogun Kunitoki
    Title: Vinonaamakasio
    Format: CD/LP/digital download
    Label: Fonal (Finland) FR-62
    Date: 11 March 2009 (Finland)/18 March 2009 (worldwide)


    1. Vinonaamakasio
    2. Mulberg
    3. Riddarholmen
    4. Fuzzabeth Crackleby
    5. Holvikirkko
    6. Corda
    7. Svileto
    8. Ratalintu
    9. Nebulus

    Press release notes:

    With their second album Shogun Kunitoki expand the boundaries of their self-created sonic universe with a wider array of sounds and rhythms. Where their debut, Tasankokaiku, squeezed cosmic dust into fiery balls of molten lava with gravitational push and pull and followed the planets whirring through the void on looping trajectories, Vinonaamakasio zooms in to explore the surface of newfound heavenly bodies, outlines the jagged shapes of exploding volcanoes, rolls with the moonlit waves through the cracks of sleeping, phosphorescent coral reefs, and marches in step with the six-legged insect armies making their trails through the steaming jungle. Every atom of this newborn planet of sound vibrates synchronous to the seething psychedelic stew that throbs under the surface and burns your feet if you let them stop moving.

    For those looking for the ultimate psychedelic experience, the Picture LP edition features two animation loops that can be viewed using the Magical Shogun Kunitoki Strobe Light. Please note you need both the Picture vinyl and the strobe light to see the animations.

    Tuesday, February 10, 2009

    Regina: Puutarhatrilogia (CD/LP)

    Regina: 'Tapaa minut aamulla' (directed by Iiro Hokkanen, 2009)

    Regina's third album, Puutarhatrilogia ("Garden trilogy"), is out on Wednesday.

    Artist: Regina
    Title: Puutarhatrilogia
    Format: CD/LP RAMCD 3161
    Date: 11 February 2009
    Label: Johanna Kustannus/Pyramid


    1. Vapaus ("Freedom")
    2. Tapaa minut aamulla ("Meet me in the morning") [MP3]
    3. Totuus minusta ("The truth about me")
    4. Terveiset päiväntasaajalta ("Greetings from the Equator")
    5. Saanko jäädä yöksi? ("May I stay for the night?")
    6. Sain levyt joita et halua kuunnella ("I got the records you don't want to listen to")
    7. Tango merellä ("Tango on the sea")
    8. Olen häviöllä, Pauli ("I'm losing, Pauli")
    9. Sinun tässä salissa ("Yours in this hall")
    10. Musta musta puutarha ("Black black garden")

  • Info in Finnish @ Johanna
  • Wednesday, January 21, 2009

    Pekka Streng: Unen maa (CD)

    Artist: Pekka Streng & Olympia-Orkesteri
    Title: Unen maa
    Format: CD
    Publication code: 50999 694030 2 6
    ICPN number: 50999 694030 2 6
    Date: 21 January 2009
    Record label: EMI Finland


    1. Noidat ("The witches")
    2. Sinua ikävöin ("I miss you")
    3. Olen rakastunut ("I'm in love")
    4. Olet onnellinen ("You're happy")
    5. Aapeli ("Abel")
    6. Metsästäjä ("The hunter")
    7. Sammakko Sim ("Sim the frog")
    8. Topi Jäppisen koti ("The home of Topi Jäppinen")
    9. Itsemurhatalon luona ("By the suicide house")
    10. Suruperhonen ("The butterfly of sorrow")
    11. Keijut ("The elves")
    12. Sinä aamuna ("That morning")
    13. Kohtalo ("Fate")
    14. Muumipeikon tassuttelu ("The treading of Moomintroll")
    15. Luumupuupoika ("The plum tree boy")

    Pekka Streng (26 April 1948 - 11 April 1975) was a Finnish artist whose recorded music was a combination of folk and psychedelia with some jazzy flavour and occasional electronic experimentation. He died of cancer only two weeks before his 27th birthday, but his two albums, Magneettimiehen kuolema ("The Death of Magnet Man", 1970) and Kesämaa ("Summerland", 1972), have assured him a huge posthumous cult following and influential position even among those fans who hadn't been born at the time of his death. Pekka Streng's mystique is increased by the fact that he avoided publicity all his life, giving only one interview, which was published after his death in 1978.

    Many artists of the current Finnish psychedelic folk/"New Weird of Finland" scene, such as Sami Sänpäkkilä of Es and Fonal Records, have openly admitted their debt to Pekka Streng. Also Sähkö Recordings' sublabel Jazzpuu re-released in 2001 as a 12" the original and extended versions of Streng's posthumous "cult hit" 'Puutarhassa' ("In the garden"), a jazzy and bossanova-like song out of Kesämaa. (Though the biggest fan favourite by Pekka Streng still remains 'Sisältäni portin löysin', "I found a gate inside me", an esoteric-psychedelic inner journey folk excursion out of Magneettimiehen kuolema).

    In the late 1960s Pekka Streng was an active member of Ylioppilasteatteri, Helsinki's Student Theatre, appearing among all as one of the extras of Risto Jarva's science fiction film Ruusujen aika (1969). 1969 was generally a busy year for Pekka Streng: his ten-part radio play adaptation of J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan premiered for YLE in January-February, the same year his two other radio plays were aired: Papiljonttinainen ("The curler woman"), which was meant for children, and the psychedelic collage Kreivi von Krolockin hymyn variaatiot ("The variations of Count von Krolock's smile"), both based on Streng's own texts and featuring also his songs. Furthermore, 1969 saw the release of Streng's first single, 'Pieni juhlija' ("A small partygoer"; out of Tove Jansson's poem), recorded with the band called Ellipsi for Love Records, which were also to publish Pekka Streng's two legendary albums.

    The subjects of Pekka Streng's music, with its tender folk leanings, concentrate on fairy tales, Eastern mysticism and spiritualism, social criticism and so on, with a strong humanist emphasis. On his first album, Streng was backed by the musicians of the Finnish prog-rock band Tasavallan Presidentti, and the second -- more lavish in its jazzy orchestration -- had on it some of the best jazz and rock musicians in Finland.

    Unen maa ("The land of dream") consists of the demo material meant for Streng's planned third album, which never materialized during the artist's lifetime. The earliest songs originate from the late 60s, the latest apparently from 1973 and 1974. These demo recordings have been the Streng family's property since Pekka Streng's demise in 1975. It took over three decades and an enormous amount of background work and lobbying from the admirers of the late artist (such as the journalist Suonna Kononen and documentary film director Arto Halonen) until Pekka Streng's son Joonia Streng, now working as a lawyer, gave green light to the publication of the material and EMI of Finland took interest.

    Unen maa has 15 previously unreleased Pekka Streng songs; two of them in their original form, the rest as versions arranged by producer Jukka Hakoköngäs and Olympia-Orkesteri out of the original monophonic reel-to-reel demos by Pekka Streng. The demo recordings featured only Streng's vocals and guitar to which Olympia-orkesteri added other instrumentation, after environmental noise had been removed from the tapes.

    The sleeve art of Unen maa is by Sonja Lehto, Pekka Streng's sister, who also designed the covers for his Magneettimiehen kuolema and Kesämaa albums.

    Arto Halonen is working on a documentary film on Pekka Streng, due autumn 2009.

    Personnel on Unen maa:

  • Pekka Streng: vocals, guitar

  • Jukka Hakoköngäs: grand piano, "Aunt Bertha" B3, Nord Wave, Nord 2X, Prophet '08, Moog Voyager, Mopho, percussion, guitar, bass
  • Anssi Nykänen: drums, percussion
  • Jarno T. Karjalainen: bass
  • Timo Kämäräinen: guitars, vocals
  • Jukka Perko: soprano saxophone

    Unen maa info in Finnish @ EMI Finland

    Pekka Streng with son Joonia

  • Pekka Streng - a tribute site in Finnish

  • Pekka Streng discography @ Discogs

    Articles in Finnish:

  • Lauluja haudan takaa @ Karjalainen

    Pekka Streng audio & video links:

  • Memories of Pekka Streng: one audio clip and one video clip @ YLE Elävä Arkisto
  • Audio excerpts of Pekka Streng's radio plays @ YLE Elävä Arkisto

  • Pekka Streng search results @ YouTube

    Additional material @ pHinnWeb:

  • Psychedelic music (and garage rock) in Finland
  • The Early Years of Finnish Electronic Music & Avantgarde
  • Thursday, January 15, 2009

    Pekka Pohjola: 'Dancing in the Dark' (1981)

    I recently wrote here about the death of bassist and multi-instrumentalist Pekka Pohjola, one of best known Finnish musicians internationally. Now YLE Elävä Arkisto presents a video clip of his 'Dancing in the Dark', taped in February 1981. The line-up is: Pekka Pohjola (bass), Seppo Tyni (guitar), Pekka Tyni (keyboards), Ismo Kätkä (drums), Esa "Nätsi" Rosvall (percussion).

  • Pekka Pohjola: 'Dancing in the Dark' - video link & background info in Finnish
  • Wednesday, December 24, 2008

    Jumalauta, kakarat, kohta paukkuu pakarat!

    M.A. Numminen: 'Joulupukki puree ja lyö'

    This classic Christmas song by M.A. Numminen in his "neo-vulgar" style from the 1970s, "Santa Claus bites and beats people up", tells the tale of a somewhat anarchic Santa wreaking havoc during a family Christmas Eve, threatening to beat up both father and mother, spank the children, demanding various Xmas foods and naturally a large bottle of booze, and finally ransacking the place.

    Juice Leskinen: 'Sika'

    Also the late Juice Leskinen offered his take on the favourite Finnish Christmas dish in 'Sika' ("Pig").

    Monday, December 22, 2008

    N&B Research Digest News

    Alexei Borisov & Matterlink ("Eyeing Sound" project)

    From N&B Research Digest label:

    N&B Research Digest has three wonderful archival releases out now as digital downloads

    Swissair: "15. joulukuuta 1981"

    ”15. joulukuuta 1981” (”December 15th, 1981”) was recorded during one afternoon in Helsinki and first released as a cassette in early 1982. At this point the six 16-year old members of Swissair, whose earlier music had been inspired by punk and new wave groups like PiL, Wire, Chrome and MX-80 Sound, were becoming acquainted with the history of avant-garde music and immediately started experimenting with its ideas while having practically no traditional playing skills at all. At least Anton Webern’s music in which "silences matter as much as sounds" was discussed before pressing the rec button and starting to improvise... READ MORE and LISTEN TO PREVIEWS:

    Jungle: "Live in Leningrad"

    Jungle was formed in 1983 in Leningrad Rock Club’s new wave milieu, continuing a local tradition of giving groups names that had to with animals and domestication. Jungle was an exception among Aquarium, Zoo and other prominent underground groups in Leningrad in another respect: its music was purely instrumental and the musicians cited European ”avant-progressive” Rock In Opposition musicians and American proponents of Ornette Coleman’s harmolodics as their influences instead of The Velvet Underground or British new wave groups... READ MORE and LISTEN TO PREVIEWS:

    F.R.U.I.T.S.: "Studio Recordings Vol. 1"

    F.R.U.I.T.S. is a duo formed by Alexei Borisov and Pavel Zhagun in Moscow in 1992. Borisov had started in the early 1980’s as a guitarist in Centre, the very first Russian new wave band, and later formed his own experimental group Notchnoi Prospekt. Zhagun’s background was quite different: he had been a brass player in the touring group of Soviet Union’s biggest pop star, Alla Pugachova, and wrote lyrics for her and other so-called "official" pop stars, but gradually turned into an enthusiast of contemporary academic composition. Together Borisov and Zhagun started to make hypnotic, musique concrète-inspired pieces on samplers, and theoretised about concepts like optical sounds, "reframing", "noise reconstruction" and ”no music”... READ MORE and LISTEN TO PREVIEWS:

    All our download albums are available both as best-quality mp3's (for the tech-oriented: LAME/extreme quality, no copy protection) and, at a slightly higher price, as lossless flac files (= CD quality).

    ELSEWHERE ON THE NET Alexei Borisov & Anton Nikkilä have a track called "Pink Bread" on the download-only compilation "Sound Canvas 1 - Compilation of sound art, minimal and improvised music" made available for free by Moscow's Mikroton label and featuring Alva Noto, Frank Bretschneider, Lawrence English and many others:

    Anton Nikkilä has also contributed a track entitled "Lasijauholaivakeikka Revisited" on the free download-only compilation "Fifteen Sounds of the War on the Poor, Vol. 1" released by the Los Angeles-based Public Record and featuring Ultra-red, Terre Thaemlitz, Alejandra and Aeron, Christopher DeLaurenti, and more:

    NEW ITEMS IN OUR OWN WEBSHOP include the Lithuanian compilation "Un/Typical" (featuring Alexei Borisov & Anton Nikkilä), the Slovenian compilation "Fabriksampler V2" (featuring Alexei Borisov & Tania Stene) and the album "M S :4" by the Moscow group Rivushiye struny. Read more about them on our website:

    With best seasonal wishes, hyvää joulua & с наступающими праздниками!

    Anton Nikkilä
    Alexei Borisov

    Friday, December 19, 2008

    I Was A Teenage Satan Worshipper: Dark Business Downloadable For Free

    I Was A Teenage Satan Worshipper: 'Boys Are Pigs' (2008, off Whatevernights, directed by Juha Kuoppala)

  • IWATSW video channel @ YouTube

    And then back to our own era:

    The new mini-album by I Was A Teenage Satan Worshipper, Dark Business, can be downloaded for free until the end of January 2009 from the following sites:
