F Minor Choral Prelude by J.S. Bach performed by Artemiev, off Solaris (1972)
Excerpts off Tarkovsky's Zerkalo ("Mirror") (1975)
Finale off Zerkalo, with Johannes Passion by J.S. Bach (1975)
Railroad sequence off Tarkovsky's Stalker (1979)
Pool sequence off Stalker (1979)
Stalker theme music (sound only) (1979)
Best soundtracks are always inseparable from the films they are created for; as some prime examples Ennio Morricone's music for Sergio Leone, Bernard Herrmann's works for Alfred Hitchcock and Martin Scorsese, or to pick up one personal favourite, Lalo Schifrin's sounds for Don Siegel's 1971 Dirty Harry. This is also the case with Eduard Artemyev (transcribed also as "Artemiev" or "Artemjev", b. 1937), a Russian composer best known for his electronic ambient soundtracks for Andrei Tarkovsky's films such as Solaris (1972), Zerkalo ("The Mirror", 1975) and Stalker (1979). Fitting to Tarkovsky's dream-like metaphysical films, to create his eerie transcendental sounds, citing both Johann Sebastian Bach and Indian music, Artemyev worked with the rare Russian synthesizer ANS, a photoelectronic instrument using glass discs to generate the sinewaves.