Bass & Beer Party
Friday 30 March 2007
@ Club Apple, Aleksanterinkatu 29 (upstairs of Café Europa), Tampere
free entry
Dubsteppers, minimal dub, dub, even more dub
Mesa-Vatti & Miska Immanuel (Vaasa)
Jere P
Nilk (Bass & Beer)
Bass & Beer Party has been one of the few remaining torch-bearers of electro in Tampere, including in their nights also other styles of electronic dance music, such as drum'n'bass, dubstep and hip hop.
From the introduction on Bass & Beer Party MySpace site:
"Bass & Beer got started when Squash and Bob Ryynänen wanted to organize club where people could see proper lives supported by great DJs. Jere P soon came along as well. After about one year of some parties with various names, 11 September 2004 saw the first official Bass & Beer Party in Telakka, Tampere. Since then, there has been many memorable nights with lives like Huoratron, Dos Noun, Polytron and Blamstrain and some bad ass DJ action by Rikos Records collective, Resound, Sire and Kongocrew among others. When it comes to the residents, Jere P has mainly been playing the lousy slots, driving cars and arranging some women for the afterparties, as Squash and Bob have been doing the organizing and playing the better slots. It must be said that when the afterparties have occurred, it has been Jere to take care of the gals. In the winter of 2006 Bass & Beer did a little tour in Finland, co-operating for example with Ikahu posse from Lahti. 2006 also witnessed birth of Tammerforce club, the fruit of B&B's co-project with legendary Telex.
Always struggling but still there, Bass & Beer for your entertainment."