Showing posts with label Circle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Circle. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

More Jimi Tenor & His Shamans + Circle + Bad Vugum Videos

Jimi Tenor & His Shamans: 'Unknown Gender' (directed by Jimi Tenor, 1992)

More Jimi Tenor & His Shamans; this video is from Fear Of A Black Jesus (Bad-28, Bad Vugum, 1992), the band's last album before the Shamans split and Jimi launched his solo career.

Courtesy of Tommi Forsström (If Society Records), who has now uploaded to YouTube the contents of rare Finnish VHS compilations Bad Vugum: From B To V (of Bad Vugum label) and Arctic Fury, featuring videos and live performances from the early 1990s by some now-legendary Finnish indie/punk/metal/avantgarde acts such as Mana Mana, Deep Turtle and Keuhkot; and alongside Jimi Tenor & His Shamans the act maybe most interesting for pHinnWeb, the early videos of postrock/post-Krautrock band Circle, especially of their Meronia era:

Circle: 'Shadow' live, 19 Feb '93, Helsinki

  • Circle: 'Crawatt' (directed by Jorma Mehtonen, 1993)
  • Circle: 'Kyberia' (directed by Mika Taanila, 1994)
  • Circle: 'Espirites' (directed by Petri Hagner, 1994)
  • Circle: 'Gravion' (directed by Petri Hagner, 1995)
  • Circle: 'Surrounding' (directed by Mika Taanila, 1995)
  • Wednesday, December 12, 2007

    Verde: Hand-Made Tube Audio

    pHinnWeb has hosted a discography page for Verde, a one-man electronic project of Mika Rintala, also familiar from Circle and Ektroverde. Now there's an official site featuring among all photos of Rintala's analogue synths, his own home-made gear (featuring the famous theremin Rintala built inside a Ufox air humidifier!) and Verde's home studio, some technical specs and discography info.

    Mika Rintala operating a modular synth and the Ufox theremin

    Wednesday, November 14, 2007

    Circle: Saturn Reality

    Finnish postrock/post-Krautrock/NWOFHM band Circle is the subject of Saturn Reality (a.k.a. Saturnus Reality, 2007), described as a rock documentary meeting experimental film fantasy; inspired by the works of such as Stan Brakhage and Kenneth Anger. The director/cinematographer of the 60-minute film is Esko Lönnberg. Saturn Reality will have its world premiere at Helsinki's Avanto Festival 2007.


    Kiasma Theatre on Friday, 16 November at 7 pm,
    second screening on Saturday, 17 November at 7 pm.

  • Saturn Reality introduction by Mika Taanila @ Avanto site
  • Monday, November 12, 2007

    Etoiles Polares Finland @ Vooruit, Ghent, Belgium

    Festival of Finnish popular music in Ghent, Belgium

    'Etoiles Polares Finland', a festival dedicated exclusively to Finnish music, will take place at Vooruit Arts Centre, Ghent, Belgium, on December 12 - 15.

    The festival focuses on the alternative domains of popular music, especially electronic and progressive styles. The hand-picked performers include Kimmo Pohjonen, Cleaning Women, Circle, Kuusumun Profeetta, Magyar Posse, Aavikko, Shogun Kunitoki, Kusti Vuorinen and Pekko Käppi. On two special occasions, Jimi Tenor and Pan Sonic will collaborate with Belgian artists Flat Earth Society and Arne Deforce, respectively.

    Some of the concerts feature visuals and video art by Marita Liulia, Maippi Ketola and Samuli Alapuranen.

    'Etoiles Polares Finland' is produced by Vooruit Arts Centre with additional programme consultation by Fimic, and with the support of several Finnish institutions and foundations.

    Vooruit Arts Center is a prominent cultural house hosting two venues with standing capacities of 1200 and 300. Music aside, it programmes regularly contemporary dance, plays, performance art, and installations.


    Kimmo Pohjonen & Marita Liulia Animator
    Vooruit Theaterzaal
    December 12, 2007

    Kusti Vuorinen / Jimi Tenor meets Flat Earth Society & Maippi Ketola
    Vooruit Theaterzaal
    December 13, 2007

    Cleaning Women
    Vooruit Cafe
    December 13, 2007

    Pekko Käppi / Kimmo Pohjonen & Eric Echampard / Kuusumun Profeetta
    Various Vooruit venues
    December 14, 2007

    Shogun Kunitoki
    Vooruit Cafe
    December 14, 2007

    Magyar Posse / Circle / Pan Sonic meets Arne Deforce / Aavikko & Samuli Alapuranen
    Various Vooruit venues
    December 15, 2007

    More info: ->

    [via Fimic / It's A Trap]