Showing posts with label hearts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hearts. Show all posts

March 29, 2014

Rustic Hearts / Rustikalna srca

  Feeling love ... 
  Ljubezen je v zraku ...
  Polymer clay heart pendants ... measuring 5 cm (2 in) per 3,5 cm (1.4 in). More to come!
  Obeski v obliki srca iz polimerne gline ... velikost 5 cm x 3,5 cm. Še več jih je v delu!

Available - if interested, leave a comment or e-mail me:
 Na razpolago - če vas zanima, napišite v komentar ali mi pošljite e-mail:  

Be happy,
Bodite veseli,

February 21, 2014

Valentine's Swap / Valentinov swap

  For the 9th swap at the FB International Polymer Clay Swaps group the theme was Valentine - hearts, flowers, pink, red ... anything that says Valentine's to you and your swap partner!

  My partner this time was Laura Reed from Missoula (Montana, USA). I've found out that we have quite a lot in common (speaking about preferences) and we both love red (favorite color).

  Valentine ... hearts and flowers. That was my first association and also the final result.
This is what I've made for Laura:

 - a red heart pendant (buffed to a high shine):

 - flower twinchie:

- and I've included also one of my faux glass beads:

 Here is all together:


  Laura sent to me a beautiful heart and love twinchie ... and I'm still trying to figure out how she created it!!! First I thought she has used a stamp, but only then I've seen it was all hand work ... Such detailed work!! It looks big on the picture, but the whole twinchie is only 2 inchies (2,5 cm) wide.

  She went a little outside the box and included a polymer clay covered pen. It is so smooth and just perfect to write with!! It's already my favorite pen! :-)

  All together:

  Thank you, Laura, for being my partner in this swap - I'm really happy with what I have received from you!!!

Be happy,

March 17, 2013

Heart and Texture Swap / Izmenjava srčkov in teksturnih plošč

  The last international swap of the Polymer Clay Swaps FB group was about Hearts and Textures:
  Zadnja mednarodna izmenjava znotraj FB skupine Polymer clay Swaps je bila na temo Srčki in teksture:
  My partner in this swap was Pat Lacy from Bloomington, Indiana (USA). She doesn't have a website, you can find her only on Facebook. She's been working with polymer clay for about 4 years, but she's been crafting her entire life. She likes to make big necklaces and mostly gives them away as presents. Her favourite colours are reds, yellows, oranges and pink.
   Moja prtnerica v tej izmenjavi je bila Pat Lacy iz Bloomingtona (Indiana, ZDA), ki pa žal še nima spletne strani, najdete jo lahko le na Facebooku. S polimerno glino se ukvarja približno 4 leta, vendar jo spremljajo različna ročna dela že vse življenje. Najrajši izdeluje velike ogrlice, ki jih večinoma podari. Njene najljubše barve so rdeča, rumena, oranžna in roza.

  As you can see, we have many things in common, even the favourite colours ... well, except for pink. 
  S Pat imava kar nekaj skupnega, celo najljubše barve ... no, razen roza, seveda.

  This is the texture plate I made for Pat:
  To je teksturna plošča. ki sem jo poslala Pat:

   I had to try it before sending it, so I decided to make a heart using this texture. In fact I made two hearts using two different parts/patterns of this texture:
     - the first one is "Harlequin heart" (no need to explain why) and is made using the bottom middle part of the texture;
     - the second one is "Open your heart" and is made using the upper part of the texture (the fabric texture). The zipper is also made from polymer clay.
  Da preverim, ali je sploh uporabna, sem se odločila, da naredim srce z uporabo kar te teksture. Pravzaprav sem nardila dve srci z uporabo dveh različnih delov teksture:
     - prvo srce je "Harlekinsko srce" (razloga izbire imena verjetno ni potrebno pojasnjevati) in sem ga izdelala z uporabo spodnjega srednjega dela teksturne plošče;
     - drugo srce pa nosi ime "Odpri svoje srce" in sem ga izdelala z uporabo zgornjega dela teksturne plošče (vzorec blaga). Tudi zadrga je v celoti narejena iz polimerne gline (razen rinkic, seveda).

   I couldn't decided where to drill the holes, so I've let this decision to Pat, so she can decide also how she wants to use them.
  Ker se nisem mogla odločiti, kje naj zavrtam luknje, sem prepustila to odločitev Pat, ki se lahko tako tudi odloči, kako bo srčka uporabila.


  And here are the beautiful heart and a very interesting texture plate that Pat made for me:
  Tukaj pa sta čudovit srček in zelo zanimiva teksturna plošča, ki mi jih je poslala Pat:

  I like very much the wire inclusions with curls, it gives the heart an extra. I've decided I'll drill a hole and wear it as a pendant. Thank you, Pat!
   Vstavki iz žice so mi zelo všeč, saj dajejo srčku neko dodatno lepoto. Kaj bom z njim, sem se že odločila in kmalu bo visel na verižici za mojim vratom. Pat, najlepša hvala!

  Looking forward to the next swap!!!
  In zdaj že komaj čakam naslednji swap!!!


  Have a look at the other participant's blog posts:
  Če vas zanima, kaj so naredile druge sodelujoče, je tukaj seznam objav na blogih:

Leila Bidler
Tina Holden
Pat Sernyk
Jainnie Jenkins
Dakotah Flannery
Alenka Obid  <-- you're here
Bonnie Kreger
Lupe Meter
Ilenia Moreni
Betty Jo Hendershott

  Be happy,
  Bodite veseli,
