Showing posts with label handmade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label handmade. Show all posts

April 18, 2015

Butterfly Blog Hop Giveaway Winners!!

  It seems I can not be in time for any of deadlines of my giveaway and blog hop ...

  Anyway, my kids helped me to draw the winners the old fashion way - with a bowl and the papers with names on :-)

a) between all the participants at the blog hop  
5 persons 
that will receive one of beads or cabochons made by me from polymer clay

Jasvanti Patel
Liz E.
Dini Bruinsma
Amy S.
b) between all that will comment on my reveal blog post  
1 person 
that will receive a pair of earrings made by me

 Christine Altmiller
And again a big thank you to all the participants!!!

By the way - the gifts will be a secret until the winners receive them ... ;-)

For the winners: please send me your mailing address so I can send you the gifts.

Be happy,

April 11, 2015

Butterfly Blog Hop Reveal and Giveaway

  Ups, I'm late for my own blog hop!!! Well, I'm still in time, but it's already evening of the reveal day. I've woken up with a bad headache and was not able to finish the blog post, but now I'm ok and let's the party begin!!!

  Just to remind you what's all about in few words: I wanted to celebrate my birthday with my polymer clay and beading friends, so I decided to host a blog hop on butterflies. The participants needed to create anything related to butterflies and post it today on their blogs.

  I'm currently experimenting a new technique with polymer clay and I'm still not really good at it ... I wanted to use it for this blog hop anyway. I' still have a long way to go to be happy with the result, but I'll show it to you ...

 I know ... there are many things I need to upgrade, but it still seems very interesting to me ...

And now ... let's take a trip to visit the blogs of all the creative ladies that joined me in this celebration:

1. Alenka (Pepita) --> you are here
A big thank you to all of you!!!

And now the giveaway part!!!

On 13th of April I will randomly chose:
a) between all the participants at the blog hop  
5 persons 
that will receive one of beads or cabochons made by me from polymer clay;
b) between all that will comment on my reveal blog post  
1 person 
that will receive a pair of earrings made by me.
The gifts are still a secret, I will reveal them when the winners will receive them.
Let's party and be happy,

March 22, 2015

Butterflies Birthday Blog Hop and Giveaway - the List of Participants


I'm so glad so many of you decided to join me in this blog hop - there wll be exactly 19 of us creating something on the theme of butterflies.

Here's the list (I will put the links on the reveal day):

1. Alenka (Pepita) --> me, the hostess
2. Monique (A Half-Baked Notion)
3. Beti Horvath
4. Kathy Lindemer
5. Kepi
6. Christine Altmiller
7. Amy S.
8. Dini Bruinsma
9. Cynthia (Antiquity Travelers)
10. Alicia
11. sheilaposter
12. Therese Frank
13. Rebecca White
14. Rachel Mallis
15. Liz E
16. Ana (ACBeads)
17. Jasvanti Patel
18. Carolyn
19. Nan Smith
Thank you, Ladies!!!
Can't wait to see what will each of you create!!
Be happy,


March 14, 2015

Birthday Blog Hop and Giveaway - Postponed and New Dates!!

 It seems 28th of March is a very popular date for challenge reveals, so I've decided to postpone the reveal dates for my challenge ... to not be lost in a crowd.
HERE ARE THE NEW DATES, so you can still join us!

  Izkazalo se je, da je 28. marec zelo popularen datum za več izzivov v ustvarjalnem svetu, zato sem se odločila, da moj izziv nekoliko premaknem, da ne bomo ostali spregledani v gužvi. TUKAJ SO TOREJ NOVI DATUMI IZZIVA, zato se lahko še vedno prijavite!


   The theme for the blog hop is:
  Tema "blog hopa" je:



Every participant has to:

- create something on the theme of butterflies - it can be a piece of jewelry, an ornament or something else;
- write a blog post about the final creation and publish it on the blog hop date with the link to my blog and the list of all the participants. 

Vsak sodelujoči mora:

- ustvariti nekaj na temo metuljev - lahko je to kos nakita, okrasek ali kaj drugega;
- napisati nekaj o končnem izdelku in to objaviti na svojem blogu na dan "blog hop-a" s povezavo na moj blog in seznamom vseh sodelujočih. 

 Sign up deadline / Rok prijave: Sunday/Nedelja, 21 March/marec
 You can sign up commenting this post (don't forget to leave your e-mail).
 Prijavite se lahko s komentarjem pod to objavo (ne pozabite pripisati e-maila).

 Blog hop reveal / Objave na blogu:  Saturday/Sobota,  11 April 


On 13th of April I will randomly chose:
a) between all the participants at the blog hop  
5 persons 
that will receive one of beads or cabochons made by me from polymer clay;
b) between all that will comment on my reveal blog post  
1 person 
that will receive a pair of earrings made by me.


13. aprila bom izžrebala:
a) med vsemi sodelujočimi v blog hopu 
5 oseb
ki bodo prejele eno perlo ali kabošon, ki ga bom izdelala iz polimerne gline;
b) med vsemi, ki bodo komentirali mojo objavo,  
1 osebo
ki bo prejela en par mojih uhanov iz polimerne gline.

Everybody is welcome!!!
So, let's play!!!
Vsi ste dobrodošli!!!
Naj se igra torej začne!!!


February 28, 2015

Birthday Blog Hop and Giveaway!

  I'm sooo out of this creative world lately ... and I'm missing it. That's why I decided to organize a blog hop and giveaway as a gift to myself for my birthday.
  V zadnjem času sem tako odsotna iz tega ustvarjalnega sveta, da ga prav že pogrešam. Zato sem se odločila, da si za rojstni dan podarim "blog hop" in nagradno igro.

  The theme for the blog hop is:
  Tema "blog hopa" je:


Every participant has to:
- create something on the theme of butterflies - it can be a piece of jewelry, an ornament or something else;
- write a blog post about the final creation and publish it on the blog hop date with the link to my blog and the list of all the participants. 
Vsak sodelujoči mora:
- ustvariti nekaj na temo metuljev - lahko je to kos nakita, okrasek ali kaj drugega;
- napisati nekaj o končnem izdelku in to objaviti na svojem blogu na dan "blog hop-a" s povezavo na moj blog in seznamom vseh sodelujočih. 

 Sign up deadline / Rok prijave: Sunday/Nedelja, 8 March
 You can sign up commenting this post (don't forget to leave your e-mail).
 Prijavite se lahko s komentarjem pod to objavo (ne pozabite pripisati e-maila).

 Blog hop reveal / Objave na blogu:  Saturday/Sobota, 28 March

The day after the blog hop (29 March)
I will randomly chose:
a) between all the participants at the blog hop  
5 persons 
that will receive one of beads or cabochons made by me from polymer clay;
b) between all that will comment on my reveal blog post  
1 person 
that will receive a pair of earrings made by me.


Dan po blog hopu (29. marca)
bom izžrebala:
a) med vsemi sodelujočimi v blog hopu 
5 oseb
ki bodo prejele eno perlo ali kabošon, ki ga bom izdelala iz polimerne gline;
b) med vsemi, ki bodo komentirali mojo objavo,  
1 osebo
ki bo prejela en par mojih uhanov iz polimerne gline.

Everybody is welcome!!!
So, let's play!!!
Vsi ste dobrodošli!!!
Naj se igra torej začne!!!


January 10, 2015

A Time To Stitch 6 - Reveal

  It's time for the reveal of the 6th beadweaving challenge A Time to Stitch, hosted by Therese Frank and Christine Altmiller. I love their challenges and I always learn a lot!!
  This time we had to use a graphed chart, Word chart or Picture chart using peyote, square, RAW or brich stitches.

While searching for interesting patterns I've found this one by Lariata on Etsy:

  A two drop even count poyote - it looked just right for my project!!! The colors I've chosen are a little different than the ones on the pattern, but I've followed the chart exactly. Oh, I've needed to undo several rows more than once ... and I've found out it's rather addictive!!! Here it is (a little shorter than in the original pattern, but it's enough long for my wrist):


 Do you see a fish in there??
And I still need to find a perfect closure ... any ideas??

  Lesson one: In Slovenia the size measuring is in milimetres and it differs from brand to brand. I've used 2,2 mm Miyuki Rocailles from two different manufacturers (it's difficult to get all that colors from one only) and I've found they are not exactly the same size - the reult is a slightly wonky bracelet.

  Lesson two: Miyuki Rocailles by Rayher are not so even ...

  I didn't have enough, had to do more. So I've found this free pattern online - a three count peyote:

This one also needs a closure ...

  My sister asked me if I could make her something to cover a stain on her T-shirt and the Desert Rose tutorial by Eridhan Creations, Therese and Christine used on the badge for this challenge just spoke to me, so I purchased it.
  It took me much more time to make that I thought it would, I've broken 4 needles making it and I've finished it just yesterday evening before going to bed. Well, more exactly almost finished - there's the last row I need to do ... I've used all Miyuki Rocailles, because had no Delicas of the right size and color in my stash.

  Lesson three: No matter how I try to, I can not find the perfect match for the 11/o, 15/o, 8/o beads in mm sizes ... The online converters differs one from another and I can only guess which one is the most accurate. However, there are only 1.5 mm, 2.2 mm, 2.6 mm and 4.0 mm beads available in our shops ... so there is only one possible conversion, even if it's not the right one ...

Well, thank you ladies for this interesting challenge and can't wait the next one :-)

Let's now see what the other participants have made - here's the list:

Be(ad) happy!!!