Joj, koliko časa že nisem nič objavila, a v tej vročini me prav nič ne mika sedeti za računalnikom ...
Well, let's get back to our Fantasy vessel & twinchie international swap! I have already shown what I have made for my partner Tina Holden and now I can finally show also what Tina has made for me! Her package took almost four weeks to arrive, but now it's here!!!
Pa se vrnimo k izmenjavi fantazijske posode in twinchija! Kaj sem jaz naredila za mojo partnerico Tino Holden, sem vam že pokazala tukaj, zdaj pa vam končno lahko pokažem še to, kar je Tina naredila zame. Njen paketek je potoval cele štiri tedne, a je končno v mojih rokah!!!
Tina is a Canadian polymer clay artist, instructor and inventor, and a very very nice person. It was a great pleasure for me being her partner in this swap, as I've already told before. If you want to know more about her, just take a look at her blog and Etsy shop, you won't regret ;-)
Tina živi v Kanadi in se profesionalno ukvarja s polimerno glino - kot ustvarjalka, učiteljica in inovatorka, hkrati pa je zelo zelo prijetna oseba. Zaradi vsega tega sem bila res počaščena, da je bila ona moja partnerka v tej izmenjavi, kar sem tudi že večrat povedala. Če želite izvedeti kaj več o njej, obiščite njen blog in Etsy trgovinico, ne bo vam žal ;-)
Etsy shop =
And here are the beauties Tina made for me (I have to thank Tina for the courtesy to let me publish here the pictures she's taken):
Tukaj pa so izdelki, ki jih je Tina naredila zame (zahvaliti se ji moram tudi za slike in dovoljenje, da jih objavim tukaj):
And then a gorgeous Mermaid vessel:
Nato še prekrasna škatlica z Morsko deklico:
with a textured bottom ...
s teksturiranim dnom ...
an interesting backside with Tina's initials ...
zanimivim ozadjem s Tininimi začetnicami ...
and a great surprise when you open it!!!
in čudovitim presenečenjem, ko škatlico odpreš!!!
Tukaj pa so izdelki, ki jih je Tina naredila zame (zahvaliti se ji moram tudi za slike in dovoljenje, da jih objavim tukaj):
Photo by Tina Holden |
First, the beautiful twinchie - the beads are movable ....
Najprej čudovita ploščica - s premikajočimi kroglicami ...
Photo by Tina Holden |
Photo by Tina Holden |
Nato še prekrasna škatlica z Morsko deklico:
Photo by Tina Holden |
s teksturiranim dnom ...
Photo by Tina Holden |
an interesting backside with Tina's initials ...
zanimivim ozadjem s Tininimi začetnicami ...
Photo by Tina Holden |
and a great surprise when you open it!!!
in čudovitim presenečenjem, ko škatlico odpreš!!!
So many techniques, so many details ... I just kept looking and looking at it, and touching it ... Well, that's the result when a pro is at work ;-)
Toliko različnih tehnik, toliko detajlov ... kar nisem mogla nehati gledati škatlico in otipati vse njene posebnosti ... No, to je rezultat, ko je profi na delu ;-)
She even wrote a story about the vessel and twinchie:
O škatlici in ploščici je celo napisala zgodbico (ne zamerite mi, če je ne bom prevajala v slovenščino)
O škatlici in ploščici je celo napisala zgodbico (ne zamerite mi, če je ne bom prevajala v slovenščino)
girl was visiting her grandmother who lived by the sea shore. The
grandmother would tell fantastical stories about a mermaid that lived
near a certain rocky outcrop, not far from the cottage. The girl would
head to the beach but only see the seabirds and gulls. Every night the
grandmother would tell fantastical stories when the girl noticed a
bottle of shimmery sand on the mantel piece of the fire place.
Grandmother said this was 'magic sand' and that is what made her stories
be true. How did it work the girl asked the grandmother? Well, A very
colorful bird-like creature would appear when the sand was thrown into
the air. While the sand particles were moving around in the air and the
bird became visible one could ask it to grant a wish. Grandmother handed
the girl a little bag of magic sand and sent her on her way to the
beach. The girl was so excited that she ran as fast as she could. She
took a deep breath and threw the sand into the air. As soon as she had,
her grandmother was right!! a beautiful colorful bird appeared before
her. She silently wished to see the mermaid, but nothing happened. The
next day while strolling on the beach and collecting pebbles and sea
shells she saw what she thought was a whale's tail between a rocky
outcrop from which grew a lonely tree. The girl waded waist deep into
the water by the rock, put her face into the crystal clear water. There
she was!!! The Mermaid! she was floating amidst golden kelp, bubbles of
air rising and purple starfish on the bottom. The girl took another deep
breath of air to have another but closer look...but the mermaid was
gone. Still...her wish came true, she had seen a mermaid...
Tina was so sweet to put an extra in the package: this beautiful pendant, I'm already wearing ....
Tina je bila tako prijazna, da je v paketek dodala še tale čudoviti besek, ki ga (seveda) že veselo nosim ...
Mislim, da ni potrebno dodati, da sem zelo vesela!
Be happy,
Bodite srečni!