Showing posts with label Marcia DeCoster. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marcia DeCoster. Show all posts

February 24, 2014

Finally finished!!!

  Do you remember my unfinished necklace from the A Time to Stitch Challenge? For the netted base I've used the "Round and Round Collar" pattern from Marcia DeCoster's book Beads in Motion.

  Well, I've just finished it, finally!!! I was so hurrying to take the pictures before the sun went down to show it here today, that the pictures are not perfect.
  The first part of the necklace was done quite quickly, but the second part needed much more time. The main problem was that I don't have a lot of practice in bezeling a cabochon (it was only my second attempt) and the shape was particularly challenging for me. In fact it was much easier to make the cabochon from polymer clay than bezeling it. 

  The first try was a failure ... but the second one was just right (I would exaggerate a little saying perfect)!!!

  I had anther idea flowing in my mind ... what if I make the focal detachable?? When you want the necklace to be a little less "important", you can wear it without the focal, but when you want a statement piece, you put the focal on ... 
  Why I have to complicate a simple thing?? Wasn't it hard enough to bezel that cabochon?? Apparently not and I've found a perfect system to make the focal invisibly detachable :-)  Happy, happy, happy!!! 

  Here's the first option - without the focal: 

   And here's the secon one - with the focal: 

Khm, khm, I've seen that little flaw ... or better two of them :-$ ... it seems I can not count to three each and every time ... 

   Anyway ... I really love it!!!
  And now just leave a comment to tell me what do you think ...

 Be happy,