Showing posts with label Ilsy Poppins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ilsy Poppins. Show all posts

January 25, 2014

Christmas Ornament Swap / Izmenjava božičnih okraskov

  I know, this topic would be more appropriate a month ago, but I'm pretty sure you are curious to see the results of the 8th swap of the International Polymer Clay Swap FB group.
  Vem, da bi bila ta tema precej bolj primerna pred enim mesecem, vendar vem, da ste vseeno radovedni, kakšni izdelki so nastali ob 8. zaporedni izmenjavi v okviru FB skupine International Polymer Clay Swap.

  My partner for this swap was Ilse (Ilsy Poppins) from Netherlands. The colors that she loves, uses and wears are more to the green/grey/brown and greens. She's been working with polymer clay since 2008 and she loves to make bracelets and bangles.
  Tokratna partnerica v izmenjavi je bila Ilse (Ilsy Poppins) iz Nizozemske, ki dela s polimerno glino od leta 2008. Njene najljubše barve so v zeleno-sivo-rjavih odtenkih in najrajši izdeluje vse vrste zapestnic.

  We decided to make something that will be speaking about the author, using our colors, techniques and shapes.
  Dogovorili sva se, da vsaka izdela okraske v svojem stilu, z uporabo barv, tehnik in oblik, ki so ji blizu, 


  As usually, let me first show you what I've made for Ilse.
  Kot ponavadi vam bom najprej pokazala, kaj sem jaz izdelala za Ilse.

  I was still under the impression of Bettina Welker's workshop in Ljubljana and her jelly-fish earrings technique. At the same time I wanted to create an ornament that will not be used only for Christmas, but would be "multifunctional".
  Ko sem se lotila dela, sem bila še pod vtisom delavnice z Bettino Welker v Ljubljani in njenih meduzic, hkrati pa sem hotela narediti okrasek, ki bo imel še dodatno možnost uporabe.

  I've used the same cane I've made at Bettina's workshop, but I cut a much thicker slice, made a bigger circle from it and formed a different shape, more flower-like. For the dangles I've added some chain and seed beads. I've also added the wire for hanging the ornaments to a christmas tree or anywhere else. 
   Uporabila sem kačico (vzorec), ki sem jo naredila na delavnici, vndar sem odrezala bistveno debelejši košček, ga sploščila v večji krog in ga oblikovala v obliko, podobno cvetu. Na spodnjo stran sem obesila nekaj verižice, kateri sem na koncih dodala perlice. Okraske sem obesila na zvito žico, da jih bo Ilse lahko obesila na jelko ali kamorkoli drugam.

  Now that the festivities are over, Ilse can put on the ear hooks and use them as earrings all the year long.
  Zdaj, ko so prazniki že za nami in okraski pospravljeni, lahko Ilse žico zamenja z osnovami za uhane in jih nosi še vse leto. 

   The second piece of the swap was a twinchie. I've made a simple Christmas tree with sparkles and a Swarovski top. Red and minimalist - just my style.
  Drugi izdelek v okviru izmenjave je "twinchie", to je ploščica v velikosti približno 5 x 5 cm. Obdobju primerno sem izdelala preprosto božično drevo, okrašeno z bleščicami in s swarovski kristalčkom na vrhu. Rdeče in minimalistično - čisto v mojem stilu.

  I couldn't send the package out without adding a little unexpected extra ...
   Seveda nisem mogla poslati paketa brez manjšega dodatka ... 

   ... a lavender cushion (with real lavender inside) and a chocolate bar - with fleur de sel. Yeap, it's a salted chocolate, but it's goooood!!!
  ...blazinico s sivko in čokoladico s solnim cvetom. Take je, čokolada s soljo, ki pa je zelo dobra!!!


And now - what have I received from Ilse:
Kaj pa sem jaz dobila od Ilse:

- a beautiful tree-ornament 
- čudovit okrasek v obliki drevesca

(as you can see, she used the combination of her and my favorites colors)
(kot vidite, je uporabila kombinacijo mojih in svojih najljubših barv)

- a twinchie and
- twinchi-ja in
- a pair of napkin rings in the same colors of the ornament;
- par obročkov za serviete v istih barvah kot okrasek;

- and also some little souvenirs of her country.
- poleg tega pa še drobne spominke iz njene države.    

 I love this kind of swaps!!!
 Thank you Ilse for being my partner and for the beautiful pieces you've sent to me.
Obožujem tovrstne izmenjave!!!
Ilse, najlepša hvala, ker si bila moja partnerica v tej izmenjavi in za vse lepe izdelke, ki si mi jih poslala!!! 

Be happy,
Bodite veseli,