Showing posts with label Creative Bead Chat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Creative Bead Chat. Show all posts

September 28, 2013

Creative Bead Chat 2000 Thank You Blog Hop

  This summer the Facebook group Creative Bead Chat (CBC) reached 2000 members and the wonderful ladies that keep this group thriving, organized a big giveaway. More that 50 prizes (from components to finished jewelry, magazines and gift certificates) were donated by some CBC members and given away to other members. 
  I have to admit I run for several prizes, mostly components. There was also a beautiful purple beadweaved bracelet that seemed just perfect for my younger sister. She is currently undergoing a chemio and I said that if I win that bracelet, I'll gift it to her to cheer her up a little. I do like and wear purple as well, but that bracelet was calling my sister's name from the moment I saw it.

  And guess what – I won just that bracelet!!! As soon I received the bracelet I've gifted it to her without taking any pictures, so I'm using the picture from the giveaway … She was really happy and she loves it! 

The bracelet was created by Ginger Hammond. Here are some more of her beautiful pieces – the pictures are borrowed from Ginger's FB profile just to thank her and show you her lovely work.

by Ginger Hammond

by Ginger Hammond

by Ginger Hammond

by Ginger Hammond

Thank you, Ginger, very much, from my sister and me!

And a big thank to Melinda Orr and Marla James and all the other wonderful ladies behind CBC and Artisan Whimsy!

Here are the links to the other participants in this Thank you blog hop:

Alenka  - ß You are here!

Be happy,
